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2015.8.21 Lesson 73 The record-holder 纪录保持者 一、课文原句 1、play truant from school 逃学 == play truant == evading school 2、over and over again 一遍又一遍 3、as far as they get 他们能做的极限 4、put to shame sb.相形见绌 5、hitchhike to 搭便车到*** 6、towards evening 天快黑时 7、find somewhere to sleep 找个地方睡觉 8、wake up 醒来 9、in the meantime 在此期间 10、crept off 爬出来 11、take him into the centre of Paris 带到巴黎市中心 12、as he hoped it would 像他希望那样 13、evading school 逃学 二、本课单词 ★record-holder 纪录保持者 n.+ v.+ er 构词法 eg:tennis player ★truant n. 逃学的孩子,逃学者 eg:the three boys who are fishing over there are truants and ought to be sent back to school. ★play truant 逃学(英) eg:the boy who played truant 逃学的孩子 ★play hooky 逃学(美) eg:be absent from class unpurpo逃学(unpurpose adv.故意的) eg:He did it unpurpose. ★evade school 逃学 ★unimaginative adj. 缺乏想象力的 imagine v. 想象,设想 imaginative adj. 有想象力的 tive形容词后缀 eg:She is an imaginative painter. eg:Painters should be imaginative. imagination n. 想象力 tion名词后缀 ★shame n. 惭愧,羞耻 What a shame! 真可耻! Shame on you! 替你感到可耻! shameful adj. 令人羞愧 ashamed adj. 感到羞愧 固搭put sb. to shame 让某人感到羞愧 对别人赞美的回答: 1)Thank you. You are flattering me. (你过奖了。) 2)You put me to shame. (你比我好的意思) 固搭put sb. to trouble 给某人带来麻烦 ★hitchhike v. 搭便车旅行 hitchhike = take a lift 搭便车 hitchhiker n. 搭便车的人 ★evade v. 逃避,逃离 ① vt.(巧妙地)逃脱,躲开 eg:She evaded a blow from the man and then called out for help. 她躲开了那人一拳,然后大声呼救。 ② vt. 回避,逃避(尤指不当地) evade doing sth. 逃避做…… eg:He always tries to evade paying taxes. eg:Many children dream of evading school. avoid v. 逃避,逃离,避免 avoid 指通过一种合理的,正当的手段来避免做某事; evade 指通过欺骗的手段来避免做某事。 eg:tax avoidance 避税 tax evasion 逃税 三、课文讲解 1、Children who play truant from school are unimaginative. play truant from school = play truant 逃学 (1)主句:Children are unimaginative. 而who play truant from school是做了Children的定语,因为先行词是child


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