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形容词、副词导学案 吕爱军 学习要点: 了解形容词、副词的相关概念。 形容词、副词的用法。 形容词、副词级的构成及其用法。 学习方法:“先行组织者教学策略”、自主、合作学习、探究、精讲多练。 概念: 请学生看以下例句来思考、分析、概括出形容词、副词的概念、区别及句法功能: 1 The beautiful girl is waiting for her boy friend at the entrance to the cinema . 2 They are afraid to face some difficulties that stop them developing . 3 We find English very useful. 4 She got home, hungry and thirsty . 5 She usually gets up at six every day . 6 He jumped high but ran slowly . 7 When and where did you buy the dictionary ? 8 Fortunately, they escaped from the fire . 小结:形容词用于表示人或事物的性质、状态或特征,在句子中可作___________ ________ _________ ___________ (成分)。 副词一般用作 ______ ,修饰动词、形容词、介词短语或全句等,表示时间、地点、方式、程度等概念。 写出以上画线部分的单词分别是形容词还是副词,并写出在句中所做成分。 Exx: 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1 He often makes _____________ mistakes. ( care ) 2 He drove his car so ___________ that we felt very safe. ( care ). 二、几个相关的语法概念: 1 表语形容词:afraid, alone, awake, asleep, alive, alike, ashamed, afloat, well, anable,worth, sure etc. 思考:这些词能不能做前置定语?可不可以做补足语 ?可不可以做后置定语? Exx: 翻译下列各句: 令我惊讶的是,交通事故后,司机还活着。 交通事故后,我们发现司机还活着。 司机是唯一交通事故后活着的人。 2 复合形容词: 请写出以下复合形容词的意思及构成规律。 1) kind-hearted, cold-blooded. 2) red-hot, dark-blue. 3) tired-looking, ordinary-looking, easy- going. 4) hard-working, fast-moving 5) hard-won, newly-built, well-known. 6) life-long, world-famous 7) long-term, 8) peace-loving, kite-flying 9) snow- covered, hand-made 10) six-storeyed, three-legged, four-footed。 11) ten-year, 2000-word, two-man, seven-year-old. 单项填空: It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was ___________ journey. A three hour B three hours C three-hour D three-hours 2) We lived in the ______________ building. A eleven storeys B eleven-storeyed C eleven storey D eleven-storeys 3 无比较级的形容词: Sorry, wrong, right, possible, perfect, excellent etc. 改错:He is the more excellent of the two. 4 主语不能为人的形容词: Possible, impossible, probable, necessary, convenient, inconvenient. 判断正误,并改正。 Please come here if you are convenient. You can go there if you are necessary. It i


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