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本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 气力式小型除雪机的结构设计 学 院 工学院 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级 机制05班 学 号 111101010519 学生姓名 王广健 指导教师 王伟锋 完成日期 西安思源学院教务处制 二〇一五年四月 中文摘要 我国疆土宽广,地域奇特,南方以细雨绵绵,北方有茫茫雪城,有些地区为降雪频繁区,长时间的降雪,导致道路不通畅,及其巧合下,南方也会出现大雪围城的灾害,这些问题给人们日常生活带来了很多困难。就现在而言,我国处理雪的方式比较原始,主要劳动力还是人力,适用一些工具来清理积雪,这种方式在浪费极大的人力和物力的同时,清雪效果还不好,不能及时的清扫积雪,导致压榨后的积雪更难清理。因此,我们要寻找一种高效,而成本不高的清雪方法成为当务之急。 本文研究的对象为气力式小型除雪机的结构设计,通过对铲雪装置进行结构设计及气力传动的设计,设计出一种规模小气动式清雪车,用于工作环境,家庭,社区道路积雪的清除,从而方便人们出行,免去可预知的安全问题。通过本题目设计,也能够进一步理解机械原理、农用机械设计、气压传动等专业课程知识,掌握专用机械设计的原理和方法。 关键词: 气力式 除雪机 初雪铲机构 气缸; Abstract At present our Guoqing snow compared to the original approach, mainly rely on the human, with the shovel and a broom to clean the snow, this way is not only a waste of a large manpower and material resources, but also the efficiency of cleaning snow is low, often can not be timely cleared of snow, and snow was more difficult to remove the vehicle after compaction. Therefore, searching for a means to have higher efficiency, snow cleaning method has lower cost has become imperative. Most areas of northern China caused by heavy snow, heavy snow blocked the road hazards, is surrounded by snow disaster and even the emergence of the south, great difficult to bring to peoples daily life. At present, our country except in limited several highways and airports are equipped with the snow clearing machinery, other roads and urban residents living areas of snow also rely mainly on human to clear, but because of artificial snow removal efficiency is very low, the time-consuming, so the vast majority of snow can only rely on the natural melt, this makes the most area of our country the north in a heavy snow, road traffic accidents occur frequently, which cause enormous economic losses and casualties, and some local traffic even because of snow and blockage phenomenon, to th


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