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1. 当堂巩固训练 完成面对面相关练习 2.讲析学生疑难。 末页 目录 首页 连词 语法专题复习 二中 Ms He 考点一 并列连词 考点抢测 1. Please tell me the truth, ______ I can decide how to help you next step. A. so B. or C. but D. for 2. Mr. Smith, someone wants you on the phone. —______nobody knows I am here. A. So B. And C. But 3. My father has a great sports collection, ______ he plays sports every day. A. or B. but C. and 4. —Mike, please turn down the music. ____ Lucy ______ Lily are sleeping. —Sorry, I’ll do it right away. A. Neither; nor B. Either; or C. Both; and D. Not only; but also 5. ______ Diaoyu Island ______ Huangyan Island belongs to China. A. Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also ◆并列连词 and “和”,表并列或顺承关系 John, work hard and you will make much progress. 约翰,努力学习,你就会取得很大进步。 but “但是”,表转折关系 I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have no time.我很想去,但是恐怕我没有时间。 or “或者,否则”,表选择或转折关系 Hurry up, or you’ll miss the plane. 快点,否则你就赶不上飞机了。 for/so “因为/所以”,表因果关系 The dress was very expensive, so I didn’t buy it. 那件连衣裙太贵了,所以我没有买。 注意:(1)and与or用于否定句 ①列举成分是主语,又在否定词之前,用and连接,而在否定词之后的列举成分用or构成完全否定。 如:Mike and Tom can’t speak Chinese. 麦克和汤姆不会说中文。 I can’t sing or dance.我不会唱歌跳舞。 ②在否定句中,如果所接的两部分都有否定词,那么用and,而不用or。 There is no food and no drink in the fridge. 冰箱里没有吃的,也没有喝的。 (2)but 意为“但是”,表示转折关系,注意它不能与though, although连用。 I want to help you, but I really don’t know what to do. 我想帮你,可是我真的不知道该做什么。 (3)so意为“所以,因此”,表示因果关系,注意它不能与because, since, as连用。 The rain began to fall, so we had to find a place to stay in.开始下雨了,所以我们不得不找个避雨的地方。 (4)for意为“因为”,表示原因,主要用来进行补充说明,没有因果关系。 You’d better put on your raincoat, for it’s rather cold outside.你最好穿上你的雨衣,因为外面相当冷。 ◆并列连词短语 neither...nor 两者都不…… Neither he nor his children like fish. 他和他的孩子们都不喜欢鱼。 either...or 或者……或者 Either you or he is wrong. 不是你错了,就是他错了。 not only...but also… 不但……而且…… Not only you but also he wants to buy the book. 你和他都不想买那本书。 both...and 两者都…… Both she and I


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