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高中英语基础知识考点 一周两次 twice a week 两倍那么多:twice as many as ,twice bigger than ,twice the size/length/width of 一、两天 a day or two ,one or two days 再两周时间 anther two weeks ,two more weeks many a student has a book 总而言之 in a word 有能力做某事情 be able to do sth.,be capable of doing 怎么样 what about doing…/how about doing 当…即将要做某事情 be about to do sth…when… 尤其是,最重要的是 above all 缺席,不在 be absent from 全神贯注于某事情 be absorbed in doing sth. 主观接受:accept 客观接受(接受有形,有实物的东西) receive 有权利做某事情 have access to sth. 意外的 by accident=by chance 交通事故 the traffic accident 根据 according to 考虑 take sth. into account 因为,由于 on account of=because of 后面跟名词,不跟句子 指责某人某事情 accuse sb of sth 指控某人某事情 charge sb with sth 钦佩某人某事情admire sb for sth 责备某人某事情 scold sb for sth ,blame sb for sth , sb be to blame for sth be used to do sth. 被用来做某事情 used to do 过去常常做某事情 be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事情 达到目标 achieve the goal across 穿过,和on 有关,指从上面,上方穿过, through 穿过和in有关,从里面,内部穿过 walk across the street/bridge , walk through the forests 担当,充当 act as , 执行 act on 采取行动 take action /take measures to do sth 在某方面积极 be active in… 积极参加 take an active part in=join in adapt… to…适应, adopt sth/sb 领养某人,采纳某事情 总计达 add up to=in all=come to , 增加,增添美景/难度add to the beauty/difficulty 把…加到…上add…to… 除了…以外(还有…) in addition to=apart from=besides (看见also,else,other 选besides) 足够的,适当的 adequate 承认做某事情 admit doing sth , 否认做某事情 deny doing sth 允许入内,被录取进入学校 be admitted into/to school 预先,提前 in advance , ahead of time 利用 take advantage of , make use of, by means of advice, news , information 为不可数名词 给某人忠告 give sb advice on sth , 听取某人的忠告 take one`s advice affect 动词,影响 effect 名词,影响 对…有重大影响have a big effect on … afford 动词,买得起,常跟在can,could,be able to后面 有足够的金钱做某事情 can afford sth/to do sth be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事情 ; be afraid to do sth 不敢做某事情 after all 毕竟,终究 in the morning ; on Sunday mornings 以某人的年龄来说 for one`s age 答应做某事情agree to do sth , 同意某人的观点agree with sb/what sb said (气候,食物)的适合agree with the climate 对…意见一致agree on sth alive 形容词,活着的,做表语,sb be alive 某人是活着的, a


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