e n t e r t a i n m e n t e d u c a t i o n- colby college(e n t e r t i n m e n t e d u c t i o n -科尔比学院).doc

e n t e r t a i n m e n t e d u c a t i o n- colby college(e n t e r t i n m e n t e d u c t i o n -科尔比学院).doc

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ENTERTAINMENTEDUCATION A Communication Strategy for Social Change Arvind Singhal Ohio University Everett M. Rogers University of New Mexico IEA LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOCIATES, PUBLISHERS 1999 Mahwah, New Jersey ondon C H A P T E R 0 N E EntertainmentEducation For the past ten years I bad lost my way but Tinka Tinka Sukh showed me a new path of life I used to be delinquent, aimless, and a bully. I harassed girls ... one girl reported me to the police and I was sent to prison. I came home unreformed. one day I heard a program on radio After listening to the drama, my life underwent a change I started to listen regularly to All India Radio [ALR[ ... One day I learned that Tinka Tinka Sukh, a radio soap opera, tall be broadcast from [AIR], Delhi. I waited expectantly. Once I started listening to the radio program, all my other drawbacks and negative values were transformed. Birendra Singh Khushwaha (a tailor in the Indian village of Lutsaan) In December 1996, a colorful 21 x 27 inch posterlettermanifesto, initiated by a village tailor (quoted above) with the signatures and thumbprints of 184 villagers, was mailed to All India Radio (AIR) in New Delhi, then broadcasting an entertainmenteducation soap opera Tinka Tinka Sukb (Happiness Lies in Small Things). The posterletter came from a village named Lutsaan in Indias Uttar Pradesh State, It stated: Listening to Tinka Tinka Sukb has benefited all listeners of our village, especially the women Listeners of our village now actively oppose the practice of dowrythey neither give nor receive dowry. This unusual letter was forwarded to us by Usha Bhasin, the radio programs director and executive producer at AIR. We were intrigued and visited the village. The posterletter suggested that strong effects of Tinka Tinka Sukb had occurred in this village (see Photos 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3). We wondered whether the villagers had been able to actually change dowry



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