英语 _111111111114.doc

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英语 一 教学目标:   1.知识目标    听、说、认读单词sister, brother.    听懂、会说感叹句What a big fish!     会用感叹词Wow!    理解C Culture部分的内容   2.能力目标   能用所学单词、句型进行教学游戏,提高运用能力。   在活动中提高听说、运用能力,并培养学生的合作意识和想象能力。    了解中西方文化差异,中国人进餐时使用筷子,而西方人用刀和叉。   3.情感目标   培养学生关心家庭、热爱生活的感情 。   进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣。    使学生在活动中体验成功的快乐。      本课时的教学重点: 掌握单词sister brother,和句型:Wow, what a big…!   本课时的教学难点: 本课时的重点即难点:What a big…! 尤其是big的发音学生容易读错,教师应特别强调,并要求学生读出感叹的语气来。      课前准备:   1.教师准备: family的挂图及一张家庭合影,   录音机及相关的磁带。   2.学生准备: 家庭照。    Step Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up 1.Let’s sing ? Father and Mother 2.Guess who he is ?Take out a photo, let the students guess who he\she is Sing the song together. ? Guess: He’s\She’s your…? Presentation 一、.Presentation of the new words ?1.T: Oh, look, he’s my brother Use the same method to teach “sister” 2.Ask: Now who can tell me who’s this girl? ?To correct: She’s your sister ?Tell the students the difference between “my” and “your” ?Ask: Now who can tell me who’s this boy? 3.chant : brother↗, brother↘,my brother. sister↗,sister↘,your sister. 4.Game ? 二、Presentation of the new sentence 1.T :It’s a nice day. So, my family go to the lake. My brother and my sister like fishing very much .look! ?what a big fish! “big” “small” ?T: Look, the fish is so big. ?T: You can say: Wow, What a big fish! 2.show some pictures : A big apple, a big bag, a big hamburger, … ? T: Can you say some sentences about these things? ? ?T:Can you say sentences with these words ? ? 三、Play the recording:Part B? let’s learn ? 四、Culture “My friend Tom is from USA, he uses a fork and knife. My family are all from China, we all use chopsticks. T: And we like China very much! What a happy life I have! Play the recording:Part B? let?s learn ? ? ? Read the word : brother ? Read the word : sister S: She?s my sister. ? ? ? S: He?s your brother. chant ? ? ? ? ?


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