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分类编号: 单位代码:10065 密 级: 内 部 学 号:1411110030 汉语国际教育硕士 学 位 论 文 论文题目:以部件为核心的对外汉字课堂教学设计 学 生 姓 名: 赵明 申请学位级别: 硕士研究生 申请专业名称:汉语国际教育 研 究 方 向: 汉字教学 指导教师姓名: 韩鉴堂 专业技术职称 副教授 提交论文日期: 2016年 3 月 22日 以部件为核心的对外汉字课堂教学设计 摘要:近年来,对外汉语教学蓬勃发展,但是对外汉字教学却面临着滞后的局面。为解决此问题,本文通过分析前人的研究,确立了以部件为核心的教学法。 本文首先介绍了部件的相关理论,涉及部件的定义、切分、分类和区别特征。在此基础上,分析了部件教学法的优势与不足。其优势在于减少学生的畏难心理、培养自学能力、便于识记识别和减少汉字偏误。其劣势在于部件的本体研究不完善、注重汉字书写能力而忽视认读能力和不适合作为汉字教学的开端。为了弥补其缺陷,拟确立部件教学与笔画教学法、字理法、形声字教学法结合的方法,即以部件为核心的教学法。 根据以上分析,本文选取《体验汉字》为教材,并以《体验汉字》(入门篇)第八课为例,针对非汉字文化圈的学生,进行了以部件为核心的教学设计,并对教学设计效果进行了调查,最后分析调查结果和学生反馈得出了此法的可实施性以及存在的局限,以期形成一个更为系统、行之有效的汉字教学方法。 关键字:对外汉字教学;汉字部件;部件教学法;教学设计 An Instructional Design of Components-based Method for Teaching Chinese Characters to Foreign student Abstract: Even with the vigorous development on Teaching Chinese as Second Language in recent years, teaching of Chinese characters is still lagging behind. To solve the problem, the previous studies on the phenomenon was analyzed, and an instructiongal design of components-based teaching method was established. Based on the introduction of the relevant theories on the key components such as definition, disassembly, classification and features of distinctiveness, a detailed analysis on the advantages and diaadvantages of components-based teaching method was discussed. From the results, it can be seen that this method has many advantages including to reduce the students psychological fear of the difficulty in learning Chinese characters, to develop self-learning capability, to make it easy for memorizing and identifying Chinese characters and to reduce errors. While the disadvantages such as the incomplete ontology res


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