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A: Did you go out for a walk last weekend? B: Yes, I did. I went out for a walk. / No, I didnt. I studied at home. A: Did she go out for a walk last weekend? B: Yes, she did. She went out for a walk. / No, she didnt.She studied at home. —How was your school trip last week? —It was great / interesting / excellent / nice boring / terrible ... anything I cant hear anything. He doesnt want to do anything. There isnt anything for you. Is there anything I can do for you? He can do anything. If you know anyhting about him, let me know, please. in the countryside=in the country 在乡下 go fishing / swimming / shopping / skating 去... It was so much fun. = I had so much fun. = I had a lot of fun.不可数名词 clean (adj.) 反义 dirty (v.) clean the room Lucky you. = You are lucky. = How lucky you are. Was there a sea horse in the aquarium? Was there an octopus in the aquarium? 一般过去时: 1) My teacher told me what I should do. (表示过去的行为) 2) I was in Beijing before I came here. (表示过去的状态) Did you have fun camping? 你的野营过得愉快吗? (一般疑问句) 1. hang about 闲逛, 徘徊 Why?is?he?hanging?about?in?the?streets? 他干吗在街上闲逛? 2. hang back 犹豫, 畏缩 Don’t hang back — go and introduce yourself. 别犹豫了, 去作自我介绍吧。 3. hang over 逼近, 威胁 The prospect of famine hangs over the whole area. 整个地区都受到饥荒的威胁。 4. hang up 挂断电话, 悬挂 I?hung?up?when?our?talk?was?through. 我们谈完后,我就把电话挂断了。 The?map?has?been?hung?up. 地图已经挂起来了。? 5. hang out 把……挂出 On?National?Day?red?flags?are?hung?out of?every?window. 国庆节那天,每个窗口都挂出红旗。 2c Pairwork A: Did Tina meet a famous actor? B: Yes, she did. She met Jake Dean. Look at the information in 2b. Ask and answer questions. She bought an umbrella because it rained suddenly. 因为突然下起雨来,她买了把伞。 (一般陈述句) There wasn’t a Gift Shop here. 这里没有礼品店。 (否定句) Tips for teacher Let


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