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从沃尔玛在韩国市场的失败 论本土文化对企业经营的影响 摘要:经济全球化和区域经济一体化的发展,使世界变成了一个统一的大市场,“国界”在这种全球化趋势面前变得越来越没有实际意义。国内市场与国际市场的统一。真正使社会的生产、消费、交换和流通等一切进入了“无国界”阶段。使生产力要素和各种资源得到了在更大范围内的有效配置。但无国界的生产和经营,并不意味着无文化的界限和差别,全球化进程中的文化冲突与碰撞将首当其冲地在国际经营的企业中表现出来。进行国际经营的公司面临着越来越陌生的文化环境,面临着更多的因文化差异所带来的矛盾和冲突,使企业在国际经营过程中面临更大的风险。沃尔玛这一世界零售巨头在韩国市场的失败,也是一个很好的教训。理解文化差异,化解文化冲突,应从解决对文化的认识问题入手:尊重文化差异,促进文化认同,打有准备的仗是企业跨国经营不容忽视的战略。 关键词:文化;文化差异;跨国经营;影响;沃尔玛 An Analysis of the Impact of Local Culture on Foreign Businesses — A Case Study of Wal-Mart’s Failure in South Korean Market Abstract With economic globalization and regional economic integration, the world is getting a huge unified market. The unification of the domestic market and the international market leads production, consumption, exchanges, communication and the like into international times, which makes resources better allocated in a more extensive scale. However, international production and operation never mean that there is no boundary or difference in culture among countries. On the contrary, in the process of globalization, cultural conflicts and shocks are always big matters to a foreign business. The world retail giant, Wal-Mart, who has failed in South Korean market, is a classical example. And to comprehend cultural differences and defuse cultural conflicts should be based on a clear understanding of culture. So it is a significant strategy for foreign businesses to be well-prepared, to respect foreign cultures and to promote recognitions of different cultures. Key words: culture; cultural differences; foreign businesses; impacts; Wal-Mart Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Zhang Kaiquan , both for his intellectual guidance and for his warm and constant encouragement during the process of writing this thesis. With patience and prudence, he labored through drafts of this thesis and pointed out defects in my theorizing. Therefore, I owe all the merits in this thesis, if a


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