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我国外贸物流的现状分析与对策研究 我国外贸物流的现状分析与对策研究(10000字) 摘 要:改革开放以来,我国的外贸物流发展迅速,然而由于现代物流在我国起步较晚,所以在发展过程中存在许多问题:基础设施落后;管理体制不完善;相关物流法律制度落后;物流企业经营管理方式落后等等。本文立足 ... p我国外贸物流的现状分析与对策研究(字)br / 摘nbsp; 要:改革开放以来,我国的外贸物流发展迅速,然而由于现代物流在我国起步较晚,所以在发展过程中存在许多问题:基础设施落后;管理体制不完善;相关物流法律制度落后;物流企业经营管理方式落后等等。本文立足于前人对国际物流研究分析的基础上,结合现有资料和近年来的经济实况,从实际情况出发,详细的分析其问题,加入新鲜血液与观念,对今后我国外贸物流的发展提出几点建议。br / 关键词:外贸物流;我国外贸物流发展;口岸物流br / br / Chinas foreign trade logistics present situation analysis and countermeasuresbr / Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, China trade logistics development is rapid, however, because modern logistics started late in our country, so in the development process in many of the problems: poor infrastructure; Incomplete management system; Logistics legal system behind; Logistics enterprise management method backward, etc. Based on the predecessors to international logistics research on the basis of analysis, combine existing material and in recent years, the economic live from actual conditions, detailed analysis of its problems, add the fresh blood and the concept of our country in the future, the development of foreign trade logistics Suggestions. p class=Jrb475/p br / Key words: International Trade; Chinas logistics development; Port Logisticsbr / P/P p摘nbsp; 要br / 后桥差减速器的装配质量是影响整个性能的一个重要因素。汽车后桥的装配质量主要受两个因数影响,一个是主齿总成的装配质量,另一个是差减速器内主、被动齿轮是否啮合良好。后桥差速器壳体结构复杂,不便测量,传统的测量方法是手动测量及一些专用检具来进行测量,并且一套测量系统只能检测某种车型的的装配尺寸。而且测量方法有精度低、测量速度慢,干扰因素多等缺点。为了缩短测量时间,提高测量精度,提高测量的可靠性,本文提出了一种全自动高柔性的自动测量方法及其控制系统,并编制了实用的软件。br / 经过理论分析与实际程序的在线调试,证明此测量方法和控制系统能够实现自动测量装配主齿总成隔套垫片和主减速器壳体所需的装配尺寸,而且具有智能化、通用性强的特点。br / nbsp;br / 关键词: 汽车;后桥差减速器;装配;自动检测nbsp;nbsp; br / br / Abstractbr / The assembly quality of Automotive rear axle differential reducer is an important factor for the entire car performance。The automobile rear axle of cars assembly quality mainly two factor influences, one is the cusp unit assembly quality, another is in the difference reduction gear main, the driven gear whether to mesh good. The re


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