1.The Concept of Impedance Matching解析.ppt

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中華大學 通訊系 The Concept of Impedance Matching 中華大學 通訊系 田慶誠 tien@chu.edu.tw 03 5186030 Why Impedance Match? High impedance (Open) or Low impedance (Short) Load? Hard to implement for high frequencies. Position dependent. No power transfer is possible! Multiple reflections can result in group delay variations that can produce undesired intermodulation in broadband systems. Unstable in active device measurement Why Impedance Match? Advantages of the matched load condition Ability to measure and adjust to known conditions. Uniquely removes the requirement for a specific reference plane. Power-handling capacity of a transmission line is maximum. Easily interconnect a number of different components into a system RF Amplifier Block Diagram Thevenin’s Equivalent RF Source Maximum Power Transfer from Source Incident Power of RF Source Incident Voltage (V+) and Current (I+) Waves Superposition of Voltages and Currents Impedance Mismatch 電路、傳輸線特性如同日常生活中的水管 管徑(特性阻抗)不同將造成反射 Input Impedance, ZIN v.s. Voltage Reflection Coefficient, G Physical Phenomenon of Standing Wave Standing Wave Pattern Voltage Standing Wave Ratio, VSWR Power Reflection and Transmission Return Loss Mismatch Factor and Mismatch Loss Questions 已知放大器輸入端的VSWR=2.0,若在輸入端將P+=0dBm入射功率送入, 請計算 Answers |G1|=|S11|= (2.0-1)/(2.0+1)= 1/3 S11(dB)= 20log(1/3)= -9.54dB RL1= 9.54dB Pr= 0dBm – 9.54dB= -9.54dBm ML1= -10log(1-(1/3)2)= 0.51dB PL= 0dBm- 0.51dB= -0.51dBm Insertion Loss For a two-port network Power Dissipation For a passive network Insertion Gain For an amplifier circuit Impedances and Reflection Coefficients in an Amplifier Circuit Input and Output VSWR of Amplifier Source Impedance ZS and Reflection Coefficient GS Input Impedance ZIN and Reflection Coefficient GIN 常見錯誤觀念(一) Load Impedance ZL and Reflection Coefficient GL Output Impedance ZOUT and Reflection Coefficient GOUT 常見錯誤觀念(二) Power Transfer Between Two Complex Impedance Network Complex Conjugate Matching for Maximum Power Transfer 改變ZIN=R


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