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摘 要 在如今的建筑施工市场上,招投标已经成为最主要的交易方式,而博弈论的应用已经成为当今各行业中许多专家研究的重点。1999年8月30日的第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议通过了《中华人民共和国招标投标法》,并决定自2000年1月起实施,这标志着我国招投标活动从此走上了法制化的轨道。 本文从经济学与博弈论的角度出发,着重介绍了博弈论在投标报价决策中的应用,讨论了在工程施工项目投标活动过程中如何运用博弈论的思想,通过有效的投标报价赢得胜利的策略方法和技巧。本文首先介绍了博弈论及投标决策的基本概念,然后重点讲述了利用博弈论的思想解决投标报价决策的问题。 关键词:承包商 招投标 博弈论 决策 ABSTRACT On the market of construction of today, bid has already become the main trade way, and nowadays the game theory has already become the focal point which a lot of experts study in every profession and trade. On August 30 , 1999, the 11th session of the Standing Committee of the ninth NPC passed 《the Law on Public Bidding of the Peoples Republic of China》, determined to implement since January of 2000, this was indicating the bidding work activity has gone on the legal track in our country from then on. This thesis proceed from economics and angle of the game theory, emphatically introduced application of game theory to offer decision and submit a tender, discussed how to use the thought of the game theory in the tactics method and skill of winning the victory through effective bid. This thesis introduce the basic conception of bid of decision to play chess to recommend at first, then told especially that utilizes the thought of the game theory to solve the problem that submit a tender and offer decision . Key words: Contractor Bid Game theory Make policy 目录 第1章 绪论…………………………………………………………(1) 第1.1节 我国建筑市场概况……………………………………(1) 第1.2节 选题意义………………….………………………….(2) 第1.3节 研究现状及本文重点………………………………….(2) 第2章 招投标、投标决策及博弈论的基本理论……………………………(5) 第2.1节 工程招投标的基本概念………………………………………(5) 第2.2节 投标决策的基本原理与技巧…………………………………(9) 第2.3节 博弈论的基本原理…………………………………………....(15) 第3章 博弈论在投标报价策略中的应用………………………………..…(20) 第3.1节 静态贝叶斯博弈………………………………………………(20) 第3.2节 非合作性博弈…………………………………………………(22) 第3.3节 顺序性博弈……………………………………………………(24) 第3.4节 重复性博弈……………………………………………………(26) 第3.5节 合作性博弈……………………………………………………(27) 结束语…………………………………………………………………………(29) 致谢………………………………………………………………


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