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Patterns of plasma levels of AVP, as compared with plasma sodium levels in patients with SIAD, are shown: Type A is characterized by unregulated secretion of AVP Type B by elevated basal secretion of AVP despite normal regulation by osmolality; Type C by a reset osmostat, Ttype D by undetectable AVP. The shaded area represents normal values of plasma AVP. Adapted from Robertson,7 with the permission of the publisher. Types of the Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuresis (SIAD). proposed mechanism for the pathogenesis of cerebral salt wasting. IMCD, inner medullary collecting duct; EABV, effective arterial blood volume; AVP, arginine vasopressin; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide. Beer potomania syndrome (嗜酒综合症) Differential diagnosis of CSW vs SIADH CSW SIADH 细胞外容量 ↓ ↑ HCT ↑ normal 白蛋白浓度 ↑ normal BUN/Scr ↑ ↓ 血钾 ↑/normal normal 尿酸 ↓/normal ↓ 治疗的影响 normal saline fluid restriction aECF volume is the primary means of distinguishing CSW from SIADH (see text for discussion). Diagnosis of SIAD:Essential features(必要特征) 血有效渗透压275 mOsm/kg ; 尿渗透压100 mOsm/kg ; 等量体液: 没有下列细胞外容量耗竭的临床表现: 立位晕厥; 心动过速; 皮肤皱缩; 粘膜干燥。 没有下列细胞外容量扩张的临床表现: 水肿和腹水; 正常盐摄入时尿钠 40 mmol/liter ; 甲状腺功能和肾上腺功能正常。 近期无利尿剂使用。 Diagnosis of SIAD: Supplemental features (次要特征) Uric acid 4 mg/dl; Bun 10 mg/dl; 钠排泄分数1%; 尿素排泄分速 55% 0.9%盐水难以纠正的低血钠; 液体限制难以纠正的低血钠; 水负荷测试结果异常; (按每Kg体重20ml摄入水,4小时后排泄低于80%);和异常的尿稀释 (100 mOsm/kg of water); 临床体液正常,无低渗时AVP 升高。 Management 确定性治疗:找到并终结潜在的病因; 肿瘤:抗肿瘤治疗; 药物:停撤药物; 如果低钠血症是慢性的和无临床症状,可以继续寻找病因。 Acute Symptomatic Hyponatremia 立即开始纠正:3% 盐水 , 1–2 ml/kg 体重/小时; 呋塞米, 20 mg iv; 目标为血钠升高2 mmol/L/hr ; 每2h监测血钠并调整输注速度; 症状改善后即停; 开始诊断评价。 Moderate symptoms and unknown duration 开始诊断评价,考虑 CT or MRI; 排除细胞外容量耗竭,如果有,立即给予0.9% 盐水; 开始纠正: 0.9% 盐水注射,夫噻米, 20 mg,目标是提高血钠 0.5–2 mmol/L/hr。 如果血钠水平第一个24小时提高 8–10 mmol/L停止治疗; 考虑使用conivaptan(考尼伐坦,血管加压素V1a/V2受体拮抗剂); 每四小时监测血钠并调整纠正速度。 Vasopressin-Receptor Antagonist Therapy 成人血清钠检测值为125mmol/L, 估计缺氯化钠 =(142-125) ×



