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14.permission ask for permission without permission permit 没有许可证你不能进入大楼。 permit permit+名词: 爸爸不允许浪费水。 permit+sb+to do: 请允许我解释。 permit+doing: 我不允许在这抽烟。 * 1.美(不可数);美丽的人或物(可数) 日落之美 歌喉之美 她年轻时是个有名的美人 beauty salon beauty sleep beauty spot beautify beautiful adj. beautifully adv. beauty the beauty of the sunset the beauty of the singing She was a famous beauty in her youth. 美容院 美容觉 风景点;名胜;美人斑 v. 使变美;美化;装饰 2. 庆祝;祝贺 庆祝圣诞节 庆祝某人的生日 庆祝胜利 庆祝成功 celebration n. congratulate v. congratulation n. 祝贺某人-------- 祝贺你! 3.starve starvation starve to death celebrate celebrate Christmas celebrate one’s birthday celebrate a victory celebrate one’s success 祝贺;道喜 congratulation sb. on --- Congratulations! v. 饥饿 n.饥饿 饿死 4.feast n.盛宴 宴会,欢乐的宗教节日 1)They held a feast to treat President Bush. 他们举行盛宴款待布什总统。 2)They sing and dance to celebrate the feast of Christmas. 他们唱歌、跳舞来庆祝圣诞佳节。 vivt 宴饮 参加宴会;设宴款待,宴请 3)They celebrated the Spring Festival by feasting all day. 他们整天大吃大喝过春节 4)We feasted our guests with fine dishes. 我们用上等的饭菜款待客人 feast one’ eyes (on sb/sth)饱眼福 欣赏某人、某物之美 5)She feasted her eyes on the beauty of the valley. 她饱览了山谷的美景 5.trick n.诡计 计谋 花招 骗术;诀窍 技巧 play a trick on sb/play tricks on sb 捉弄某人 开某人的玩笑 1)The children like to play tricks on their pets. 6.arrival n.到达 抵达;到达的人或物 1)Cheers greeted the arrival of the queen. 一片欢呼声欢迎女王的到来 2)On (your) arrival at the hotel please wait for further instructions. 你抵达宾馆后,请听侯进一步指示。 3)Late arrivals must wait at the door. 来晚的要在门口等候。 7. gain 他在1921年获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。 He gained/ won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. a) v. 1)获得;赢得;博得;取得 他在考试中取得了满分。 He gained full marks in the examination. 他不久就获得了朋友们的尊敬。 Soon he gained the respect of his friends. 2)gain (sth) (by/ from sth) (从……中)受益,获益,得到好处 1) 2) b) n. 好处;增加;


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