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目 录 1 前言 1 1.1背景及意义 1 1.2超声波检测的发展与现状 1 1.2.1国际超声波检测技术的发展历程与现状 1 1.2.2国内超声波检测技术的发展现状 2 2 超声波检测物理基础及设备 3 2.1超声波原理及特点 3 2.2超声波检测的设备 3 2.2.1超声检测仪 3 2.2.2探头 4 2.2.3耦合剂 4 2.2.4试块 4 3 平板对接焊缝制造方法及缺陷 5 3.1平板对接焊缝主要制造方法 5 3.1.1手工电弧焊 5 3.1.2埋弧自动焊 5 3.2平板对接焊缝常见缺陷 5 3.2.1焊接过程中主要缺陷 5 3.2.2使用过程中出现的缺陷 6 4 超声波无损探伤实验 7 4.1超声波探伤实验器材及实验操作 7 4.1.1检测面的修整 8 4.1.2零点声速的测定 9 4.1.3折射角的测定 10 4.1.4 DAC曲线 11 4.1.5 其他参数的输入 13 4.2超声波探伤试验现象数据 13 4.2.1探头扫查 13 4.2.2缺陷长度测定 14 4.3缺陷评定结果评级 15 4.4实验结果及分析 16 4.5超声波检测工艺卡 16 小 结 17 参考文献 18 附录 19 平板对接焊缝的超声波检测 摘 要 压力容器所用材料有板材、管材、铸件等,其中最重要最常用的是板材。通过焊接的方法使一块或多块板材拼接到一起,其检测方法主要是超声波无损探伤。本文就平板对接焊缝在实际应用中发现的问题,论述超声波检测物理基础、监测的设备和工艺规程。主要任务是在掌握过程设备制造流程和焊接缺陷及其产生原因的基础上,研究超声波探伤技术在钢制压力容器对接焊接接头探伤检测中的应用,并给出焊缝返修的具体方案。 针对给定的板材焊缝,通过实验检测该焊缝的缺陷,本文详细介绍了试块选用,设备调试,实验探伤中的常见问题及解决方法。同时给出了实验探伤、缺陷定位和长度测量的具体方法,并通过JB/T4730.3-2005标准对试验中检测到的缺陷进行了等级评定并得出了检测工艺卡。 关键词: 对接焊缝 超声波无损探伤 试块 缺陷评定 Ultrasonic inspection of butt weld of flat plate Abstract The material used in the pressure vessel is plate, pipe, casting, etc. the most important and most commonly used is the plate material. By welding the method to make one or more pieces of plates together, the detection method is mainly ultrasonic nondestructive testing. This paper discusses the problems in the practical application of flat plate butt weld, discusses the physical foundation of ultrasonic testing, the equipment and technical regulation. Main task is to master the process of equipment manufacturing process and welding defects and its causes based. Study of ultrasonic flaw detection technology in steel pressure vessel butt welded joint detection application, and gives the weld repair of specific programs. For a given plate weld, the defects of the weld were tested by experiment, this paper introduces the common problems and solving methods in the test block selection, equipment debugging and testing. At the same time, the specific methods of the experiment flaw detection, defect location and length measurement are given, and the


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