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研究工具 (2) --生活定向測驗修訂版(LOT—R) 採用Lai ,J.C.L等人翻譯、修訂的由Scheier等人修訂後的生活定向測驗(Revised Life Orientation Test)量表。 该量表共6個題目,包括3個正向描述和3個負向描述,採用5點Likert評分標準,先把負向描述題目反向記分,然後所有題目相加求出總分,得分越高,表示越樂觀。 研究工具 (3)-- DASS 採用(Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale) DASS量表。 该量表共60個條目,對每個條目按1—5記分,「1」代表沒有症狀,「5」代表症狀嚴重。總分是60個條目得分之和,總分越高,身心健康水準越低。該量表包抑郁、焦虑、应激和总分。 Use of Humor Styles in 3 Cities Students in Guangzhou seemed to use significantly more self-enhancing humor than students in Hong Kong and Macau. 自强型幽默 亲和型幽默 敌对型幽默 自强型幽默 广州 香港 澳门 Use of Humor styles in 3 Cities 幽默风格与气质乐观之间的关系 Optimism tends to be positively correlated with AfH and SeH and negatively correlated with AgH and SdH. 亲和型 幽默 自强型 幽默 敌对型 幽默 自贬型 幽默 香港大学生 澳门大学生 广州大学生 乐观 乐观 乐观 幽默风格、气质乐观与心理健康之间的相关分析 AfH, SeH, and optimism are negatively correlated with depression, anxiety, stress while AgH and SdH are positively correlated with AgH and SdH. 亲和型幽默 自强型幽默 敌对型幽默 自强型幽默 自强型幽默 乐观 抑郁 焦虑 应激 总分 幽默风格与心理健康状态 Use of AfH and SeH significantly decreases depression, anxiety, stress while use of AgH and SdH significantly increases depression, anxiety, and stress. 亲和型幽默 自强型幽默 敌对型幽默 自贬型幽默 高心理压力组 低心理压力组 气质乐观与心理健康状况的相关分析 Use of optimism significantly decreases depression, anxiety, stress. 高心理压力组 低心理压力组 乐观 Regression Analysis of All Variables Optimism, aggressive humor, self enhancing humor, and gender seem to be strong predictor of depression, anxiety and stress. Major Findings of This Study Optimism is generally positively correlated with self-enhancing humor and affiliative humor, and is negatively correlated with aggressive humor and self defeating humor. Optimism, self-enhancing, and affiliative humor tend to deccrease depression, anxiety, and stress while aggressive and self defeating humor tend to increase depression, anxiety, and stress. People in Mainland China favor more affiliative humor than students in Hong Kong and Macau. 討論 心理健康狀況好的大學生比心理健康狀況差的大學生更加樂觀,並且更多地運用積極的幽默風格作為應對生活困境的策略並試圖與他人建立良好關係;心理健康狀況差的大學生不



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