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Immobilized Enzyme Systems Definition §3.4 Immobilized Enzyme Kinetics 例3-1某酶固定在无微孔球形基质上,其本征动力学参数为Vmax=4X10-5mol/(L S),Km=2X10-5mol/L. [Sb]= 1X10-5 mol/L, kLa= 0.4 s-1, 求[SS]和底物在固定化酶外表面上的反应速率? (I). Concentration distribution in A Porous Matrix (II). Thiele modulus For a spherical porous matrix, first-order reaction rate, Definition of Thiele modulus It’s a measure of the extent of internal diffusion resistances Thiele modulus calculation When internal diffusion limits the enzymatic reaction rate, the rate constant and values are not true intrinsic rate constants, but apparent ones. To obtain true intrinsic rate constants, diffusion resistances should be eliminated by: Using small particles sizes (For internal diffusion limits.) A high degree of turbulence around the particles (For external diffusion limits.) High substrate concentrations (For both internal and external diffusion limits.) Using macro-porous matrix (For internal diffusion limits.) The effectiveness factor is defined as the ratio of It’s a measure of the extent of diffusion limitation. The conversion is diffusion limited; The conversion is limited by reaction. (III). Effectiveness factor η First-order reaction rate, without external diffusion limitation Where, (mol/s) (mol/s) So, With concentration distribution eq., Differentiation So, where, (IV). How to calculate the macroscopic reaction rate with diffusion limitation in a porous matrix Determine the parameters of intrinsic reaction rate (Vmax,Km,app), De, L, [SS] At last, Carrageenin 角叉胶 collagen 卡拉胶 Porous ceramic 多孔陶瓷 diatomaceous earth 硅藻土 Polysulfone 聚砜 polyacrylate 聚丙烯酸盐 Stagnant film or boundary layer 延滞层或边界层 外扩散限制。Da是表征外扩散过程中传质过程对反应速率影响的基本准数, (最大反应速率/最大传质速率) Thiele modulus,西勒准数,是表面反应速率(即固定化酶表面处的浓度为基准反应速率)/内扩散速率,相当于外扩散方程中的Da. 这些部分是讨论了球形固定化酶内底物浓度的分布,它反映了内扩散阻力对浓度分布的影响,而我们的目的是要求出内扩散阻力对反应速率的影响。能定量算出在有内扩散影响时的有效反应速率。为此,现在采用的方法是,引入内扩散有效因子的概念来处理。  * * 生化工程 第三章 固定化酶反应动力学 The restriction of enzyme mobility in a fixed space is know


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