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1.6 Battlefield Surveillance scenario : 情况,剧情 disposition : 布局,配备 airframe : 机身 Role Description to monitor the battlefield by flying a fixed pattern at a distance outside the range of enemy defences and detect fixed and moving contacts. -- to get the tactical scenario or situation on the battlefield : enemy and friendly force disposition ; size ; movement How to achieve battlefield surveillance ? --to buildup a surface picture of the battlefield, showing the enemy and friendly force disposition : fixed and moving contacts detected by airborne Radar +intelligence from other sensors or from remote intelligence databases --secondary role of air command center Mission profile Key Performance Characteristics high altitude long range stable, often based on a commercial airframe Crew Complement the flight deck crew of two pilots an engineer a supernumerary pilot 1.7 Airborne Early Warning sound: 坚固的 impend : 危险等即将来临 interrogator : 问答机 Headquarters: 总部 Importance of early warning --to give air superiority and defensive forces sufficient time to prepare a sound defence ; --to alert ground and naval forces of impending attack to allow for suitable defence, evasion or countermeasures action Role description -- to patrol at high altitude, detecting hostile aircraft at longer range than surface (ground) radar so that to give vital seconds for ground defence forces Key Performance Characteristics long-range, long-endurance,high altitude radar with 360 degrees scan act as a command post Crew Complement similar to that of the battlefield surveillance aircraft 1.8 Electronic Warfare range gate stealing: 距离门拖引 velocity gate stealing: 速度门拖引 chaff : 金属碎片 bundle : 一捆,一束 seduce :诱惑,诱使 Wild Weasel squadrons 美军野鼬鼠电子战部队 signals traffic analysis :话务(通讯量)分析 Implication: 关系,影响 1.8 Electronic Warfare Role Description --the warfare carried out electronically Electronic countermeasures (ECM) Electronic s


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