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能告诉我下面几个英语口语中缩读词的读法?也就是等号后面的该发什么音?如果不能用音标表示的话就用发音相近的汉语拼音或汉字代替好了,谢谢! did you have a = djyava he would have = hedve What have you = Whatcha what do you - or - what are you = whatchu 问题补充: 这些缩读形式是我从一个外国网站上看到的,也不知道准不准确。各位的回答还是让我搞不大明白到底发什么音,唉!要是能用音标表示就好了。 djyava DI JIA HA VA hedve HE DAVE(这个A的读音是A在闭音节里的发音) Whatcha WHA CHA U whatchu WHA 秋英语常见缩读 (2009-05-31 12:16:10) 转载▼ A.缩读 ? Standard??????????? Common contraction????????????????? Example???????????????????? Note ? and??????????????????????? ’n??????????????? Do you know Nancy ‘n David. are??????????????????????? ’r?????????????? My classmates ‘r on vacation. Are you???????????????????? Ya??????????????????? Ya going to school? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? Where ya going? ? because????????????? ’cause(*)/coz??????????? I don’t like her ‘cause ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? she is too proud. can??????????????????????? C’n???????????????? I c’n be there in an hour. ? come?????????????????????? c’m?????????????????? C’m over to our house ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? around 10:00. ? could???????????????????? could’a??????????? You could’a hurt yourself! ????????????????????????????????????????????????? have could not???????????????? couldn’a????????????? He couldn’a done it. have ? ? does she?????????????????? dushi????????????????? Dushi speak English? ? ? ? don’t know?????????????? dunno(*)?????????????? I dunno where you live. ? ? ? for ?fer ?He works fer his father. ? ? give me ?gimme(*) ?Gimme that. ? ? going to ?gonna(*) ? Gonnu ?I’m gonna give him a present. I’m gonnu invite her to the party. ? ? goodbye ?G’bye ?I’ll talk to you tomorrow. G’bye! ? ? got to ?gotta(*) ? gottu(*) ? ?I gotta give him a present. I gottu invite her to my birthday party. ? ? had better ?better ?You better start off right now. ? ? have to ?hafta ?I hafta go home immediately. ? ? he ?’e ?Who is ’e? ? ? he/she has ?he/she’as ?He’as a house at the beach. ? ? her ?’er ?This


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