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摘要 连锁经营方式起源于美国,19世纪50年代末,第一家连锁店在纽约创立,至今已有百余年的历史。但直到20世纪50快年代以后才进入快速发展时期,并逐渐显示出其强劲的生命力和巨大的发展潜力,在发达国家及一些新兴工业化国家和地区普遍获得重视和发展,取得了很大的成功。连锁经营的经济学本质就在于它把现代工业化大生产的组织原则及大规模集中化管理式应用于流通领域,通过“联合化、统一化、专业化和规范化”等手段,实行规模化经营、标准化服务和科学化管理,达到提高整体商业经营体系协调运作能力和规模经济效益的目的。在国际上,连锁经营几乎被所有零售业态作为组织形式,成为商品零售业的主流发展方向之一。我国起步较晚,直到进入20世纪90年代,沿海较发达地区和一些大中城市的部分国有商业企业开始探索这一新型的现代经营方式,并取得了一定的成绩,但目前还存在一些问题,从而制约了这一形式的健康发展。因此,国内零售连锁企业要清醒的认识到自己的缺点和不足,探索出一条适合企业自身发展壮大的道路。 关键词: 零售业;连锁经营;问题 Abstact:The chan-like modes of business operations sfemmed from the US in the late-1950s.The first chain store establishedin Nen York had hundred years of life histories uatilnow.But it entered the fast development time after late 1950s, and demonstrated gradually its Strong vitality and the huge development potential. Especially the developed countries aswell as some emerging industrialized countries and the areas have obtained the very big success. The chain-like management’s economic essence lies in that it applies the modernindustrialization big production organization principle and the large-scale centralized management pattern in the current distribution realm, adopting“the union, unitizing, the specialization and the standardiza tion” and so on, implementing the formalization management, the standardized service and the scientific managenent, the standardized service and the scientific management, achieving the overall business management system coordinated opevation ability and the economies of scale benefit goal. Lonsidering world-wide developments, the chin-like management takes the configuration of organization for all retail twades condition to utilize nearly and becomes one of commodity retail trade’s mainstream development directions.Ous country’s started until the 1990s. Meanwhile,some state-owned commercial departments in the coastal to explore this and modern modes of business operation and lertain progress. Howener, the are also some problems at present which has restricted this form he


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