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* * Made by Fanzhao Cheng Wuyi Diwali profile(简介) Diwali, the festival of lights, is one of the most important festivals of a year , celebrated with great fanfare(号角齐鸣) in India. Diwali is an auspicious(吉祥的) festival that could bring wisdom, prosperity and wealth in home. According to the traditional Indian calendar, Diwali is the last day of a year. Diwali is celebrated for five days long and there is a legend associated with it each day. The most famous legend behind the celebrations of Diwali, which is related with the Prince of Ayodhyaa. He is Lord Shri Ram. His wife is called Sita. They lived in a jungle by following his father’s instructions(指示), who was King Dashratha. One day, Ravana, the king of Lanka Legends(传说) associated with Diwali kidnapped(绑架,劫持) Ram’s wife when she was alone in the jungle. Lord Ram tried to rescue his wife by attacking Ravana. He led his people fought a war against the King of Lanka. During that time, the people in Ayodhyaa didn’t know the prince lived in the jungle and not to mention the war. The war was ended with the victory of Lord Ram, who got his wife released(释放,解放)from prison. Together, they went back to Ayodhyaa. It happened at night, and it was dark. When the people of Ayodhyaa got the news, they lit lights with thrills to welcome the Prince at the gate of the city. Fourteen years passed before Lord Ram returned to Ayodhyaa. There were so many lights that night. Ever since then, there is a festival of lights – Diwali. People light their homes with ornate(富丽的)candles, oil lamps and rows of electric lights. They are busy making earthen(泥做的) lamps. It is said that the lights can illuminate(照亮) the way for the Gods and Goddesses, who will bring blessings, prosperity and wealth into the families. Facing with the various lamps, the boy was puzzled as to which one to take. The stores are full of different lamps for you to choose from when the Diwali is around the corner. Another Legend Associated with


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