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1. My alarm didn’t go off so I woke up late. alarm n. 闹钟 e.g. What time shall I set the alarm for? 我该把闹钟拨到几点钟响? 2. I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain heavily. 1) begin v. (began) 开始 e.g. I’ll begin whenever you’re ready. 你什么时候准备好我就开始。 常用的句型: begin?to?do与begin?doing 一般来说,begin to do和begin doing可 以互换,但在以下三种情况下,用to do。 主语不是指人,而是it等。 如:It began to rain. begin后接表示心理活动的词。如:begin to know, 还有believe, wonder, think等词。 begin本身是ing形式,为避免重复后接to do。 即:beginning to do 2) heavily adv. 在很大程度上;大量地 e.g. moving heavily 吃力地移动 It was raining heavily. 雨下得很大。 3. So, when the rainstorm suddenly came, … suddenly adv. 突然;忽然 e.g. I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t locked the door. 我忽然想起没有锁门。 4. That’s strange. strange adj. 奇特的,奇怪的; 不可思议的 e.g. a strange noise 奇怪的声音 He’s always here; it’s strange you’ve never met him. 他经常在这,你却没有见过他,真是 不可思议。 5. I called at seven and you didn’t pick up. pick up(=pick up the phone) 接电话 pick up 还有以下含义:  1) 拾起;抱起?? e.g. The?children?picked?up?many?sea? shells?at?the?seashore.?? ? 孩子们在海边捡到许多贝壳。?? ? Pick?that?book?up.?? ? 把那本书捡起来。?? ? die down逐渐变弱,逐渐平息 e.g. When you saw him, his anger had died down a bit. 你看见他的时候,他的火气已经下去了。 rise是不及物动词,意为:(价格、水位等)上涨;(月亮、太阳等)上升。 e.g. It is too hot. The temperature rises by 6℃ today. 太热了。今天的气温一下子上升了6 摄氏度。 5. When he woke up, the sun was rising. 1. 感觉像 2. 首先 3. 入睡 4. 逐渐变弱 5. 确信 6. 醒来 7. 一团糟 8. 清洁 9. 互相帮助 10. 在困难时期 feel like at first fall asleep die down make sure wake up in a mess clean up help each other in times of difficulty 重点短语 Read the text and remember the language points. Preview next lesson. 2d Role-play the conversation. Mary: What were you doing last night, Linda? I called at seven and you didn’t pick up. Linda: Oh, I was in the kitchen helping my mom. Mary: I see. I called again at eight a


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