中国手机广告的生存现状和未来 广告学专业- 毕业论文.doc

中国手机广告的生存现状和未来 广告学专业- 毕业论文.doc

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中国手机广告的生存现状和未来 内容摘要:在我们的生活当中,当问及什么东西最多时?很多人都会回答“广告”。仔细观察我们的生活,铺天盖地的全是广告。随着时代的发展,手机媒体作为报纸、电视、广播、网络四大媒体之后出现的“第五媒体”,受到越来越多的广告主的注意,而手机广告也成为大众生活的一部分。 从1987年中国移动通信发出神州第一波到今天,中国移动通信事业己走过了20多年光辉历程。如今,通信技术的发展又为我们带来手机这个继电视机、电脑之外成为第三块屏幕。尽管屏幕小、上网速度慢等缺陷影响了受众的第五媒体体验,但由于手机媒体的个众性、交互性、移动性、扩散性、及时性等独特的特性,这块带着体温的屏幕让我们无法小觑。它拥有其它媒体无法比拟的优势,而有媒体就有广告,手机广告也应运而生。 由于3G技术的成熟与普及,手机已变成一种特殊的传播符号。手机广告作为全新的广告形式,具有及时性、移动性、互动性、分众个性化和自发传播等优势和特点。以短信和彩信广告,游戏广告、视频广告、彩铃广告、WAP广告、内置广告等广告类型受到广告主的青睐。虽然我国目前手机广告已进入成长阶段,但手机广告发展还存在一些问题。 随着3G时代的到来,手机广告的发展越来越快,也越来越好,其未来发展将呈现十大趋势。 关键词:手机媒体;手机广告;发展现状及对策;未来趋势 Chinas mobile advertising survival status and future Abstract:In our lives, when asked what the most? Many people will answer advertising. Careful observation of our lives, the overwhelming advertising. With the development of mobile media as newspapers, television, radio, network four media after the emergence of the fifth media by the attention of more and more advertisers, mobile advertising has also become part of public life. Issued by the China Mobile Communications Divine first wave from 1987 to today, the Chinese mobile telecommunications industry has gone through the glorious history of more than 20 years. Today, development of communication technology has brought us this phone following the third screen TV, computer outside. Despite the small screen, slow access deficiencies affect the audiences media experience, but because of the unique features of a public nature of mobile media, interactivity, mobility, diffusion, timeliness, etc., this screen with a body temperature let us not be underestimated. It has the incomparable advantage of other media, and there is media advertising, mobile advertising have emerged. Due to the maturity and popularity of the 3G technology, mobile phones have become a special kind of communication symbols. Mobile advertising as a new form of advertising, timeliness, advantages and features of mobility, interactivity, Focus personalized and spontaneous dissemination. S


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