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摘要: 随着自动化生产能力的提高,现代工厂中出现需要 With automatic production capability is improved, the modern factories in need of modular machine tool, the combination of more occasions based on general parts, match with work piece specific shape and process design of special components and fixtures, composed of semi-automatic or automatic special machine. It usually adopts the multiracial, knife, processes, and multi-faceted or multistage and processing, production efficiency than general machine high several times or more. Due to the common parts have standard series, can according to the combined flexible configuration, can shorten the cycle of design and manufacture. Therefore, the combination machine has the advantages of low cost and high efficiency, in large, mass production is widely used, and the automatic production line can be used to composition. This paper introduces a special vertical combination machine tools designed for φ 38 holes and φ22 holes drilling this specific process. In this design, all the standard parts selection based on the carefully data calculation, and according to the characteristics of the structure by processing components, precision machining parts size, surface roughness, and the localization way, clamping technology and processing process using tools, cutting dosages as productivity, the structure design of reasonable spindle box. Keywords:Combined machine tool, production efficiency, clamp, drilling 第一章 组合机床简介 1.1 组合机床的特点 组合机床是由大量的通用部件和少量专用部件组成的工序集中的高效率专用机床。它能够对一种(或几种)零件进行多刀、多轴、多面、多工位加工。在组合机床上可以完成钻孔、扩孔、铣削磨削等工序,生产效率高,加工精度稳定。 组合机床与通用机床、其他专用机床比较,具有以下特点: (1) 组合机床上的通用部件和标准零件约占全部机床零、部件总量的70~80%,因此设计和制造的周期短,投资少,经济效果好。 (2) 由于组合机床采用多刀加工,并且自动化程度高,因此比通用机床生产效率高,产品质量稳定,劳动强度低。 (3) 组合机床的通用部件是经过周密设计和长期生产实践考验的,又有厂成批制造,因此结构稳定、工作可靠,使用和维修方便。 (4) 在组合机床上加工零件时,由于采用专用夹具、刀具和导向装置等,加工质量靠工艺装备保证,对操作工人水平要求不高。 (5)当被加工产品更新时,采用其他类型的专用机床时,其大部分件要报废。用组合机床时,其通用部件和标准零件可以重复利用,不必另行设计和制造。 (6)组合机床易于联成组合机床自动线,以适应大规模的生产需要。 组合机床常用的通用部件有:机身、底座、立柱、动力箱、动力滑台,各种工艺切削头等。对于一些按循序加工的多工位组合机床,还具



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