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编号 淮安信息职业技术学院 毕业论文 题 目 国内汽车售后服务业研究 学生姓名 曹现鸿 学 号 系 部 汽车工程系 专 业 汽车技术服务与营销 班 级 831010 指导教师 厉超 副教授 顾问教师 二〇一二年十一月 摘 要 在当今的汽车消费领域,对汽车消费者来说,他们在购买汽车的时候,不仅仅是看重汽车的质量,同时也十分重视汽车的售后服务工作。汽车售后服务业是汽车流通领域的一个重要环节,作为汽车销售经营重要组成部分的售后服务不仅是一种经营,更是文化、理念,是体现企业对客户的人文关怀与企业必须承担的社会责任,是汽车生产商与客户沟通、联系的一个重要纽带。汽车行业是发展最快、竞争最激烈的行业之一。随着中国加入WTO,外国汽车制造企业强势进入中国市场,加剧了国内汽车行业的竞争。在激烈的技术竞争驱动下,汽车产品在功能、质量上的差距越来越小。为了在竞争中立于不败之地,汽车制造企业纷纷从售后服务着手,通过高质量的售后服务,提高企业的业绩。 本文主要研究了我国汽车售后服务业基本情况,通过对汽车售后服务业的概述,并介绍国内外的汽车售后服务业现状,通过国内与国外的对比,指出我国现在汽车售后服务市场存在的不足与改进方法。预测了我国未来汽车售后服务业的发展模式,最后根据汽车售后服务市场发展的规律,结合我国汽车售后服务市场的实际情况,创新的提出相应的对策。 关键词:售后服务业;汽车;现状分析 Abstract In todays auto sector, for auto consumers when buying a car, they are not only value the quality of the car, at the same time also attaches great importance to after-sales service of the car. Automobile after-sales service industry is an important part in the field of automobile circulation, as an important component of the automobile sales management after-sales service is not only a kind of business, culture, idea, is the humanities concern of the enterprise to the customer and enterprise have to bear the social responsibility, is the automobile manufacturers contact customer communication, an important link. Automobile industry is one of the fastest growing, most competitive industries. With Chinas accession to the WTO, foreign car manufacturing enterprise strength to enter the Chinese market, aggravated the competition in the domestic automobile industry. In the competition in the technology, driven by automobile products in function, quality of gap is smaller and smaller. In order to competition, automobile manufacturing companies from the after-sales service, by high quality after-sales service, improve the performance of enterprises. This paper mainly studies the automobile after-sales service industry in our country basic situation, through to the automobile afte



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