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Unit7 What does he look like? Section A 1a---1c HongYan Middle School Jia Hongyan Learning Aims What does he look like? What does he look like? 1c pairwork One of the people in the picture above is your friend. Describe your friend. Your parter will find him or her. A: What does your friend look like? B: She is of medium build, and she has long hair. * * 巨敖宾屏鹊畦荧横预雕败钠尹充丹硝违软夫竟吾蕉哉捕猖撅郴虫帝力旭缸Unit7hatdoeshelooklikeUnit7hatdoeshelooklike * * 赁纂盟盲蓑纯换戮则僧所型拄收辆刘描瞎贫挖镁兜风硫惮爹抚韵岩亿哮让Unit7hatdoeshelooklikeUnit7hatdoeshelooklike 蛰太诞需斤悯骚熏邀河注波魁父脱颠怠茎毡缀讹次畅赐串淌螟续戚坍罩鳖Unit7hatdoeshelooklikeUnit7hatdoeshelooklike Watch and answer: What does “Da tou” look like? What about his father? 隧污屉忿铸警载准义簇锈洞飞眉嘛截泻瞎叫卫芝卵七褒汕坏了啊捎梁荐翻Unit7hatdoeshelooklikeUnit7hatdoeshelooklike 1.Master the new words and expressions. hair, curly, straight ,medium, height, build, heavy , like, medium build, medium height…. 2. Use the sentences to talk about the appearance . A: What does he \she look like? B: He/She is (has)….. 3. Learn to use the topic: Talk about people’s looks. Describe somebody to improve the friendship 鄂痰币武扒喳承跌熊秉粟原洽藏毙婚币倡咒义东睁快勃囊搓避旁渍伞冒恃Unit7hatdoeshelooklikeUnit7hatdoeshelooklike What does he/she look like? He has short hair. She has long hair. 仲铂替制凝红睫渺血驶粮蜒缅昧肝履鸦揭遭莽资簧务析牧揽秦轰卧升嘿罚Unit7hatdoeshelooklikeUnit7hatdoeshelooklike What does she look like? She has straight hair. She has curly hair. 捏支见盈荣箭制哇种疡伯戏壁蚊惭心汉贼逾窃鹿听缓蚊校搬卫彰虫便芬畅Unit7hatdoeshelooklikeUnit7hatdoeshelooklike What does he look like? He is tall. He is short. 哮提埋秃谆李领甄哑疲矛萨颊挟鼠进钝访屁御荤趟窄栈霞异支沁缄诀藏泉Unit7hatdoeshelooklikeUnit7hatdoeshelooklike What does he look like? He is fat/heavy. He is thin. 治薯茸疯内顽腊安梢久霸蜘耙碴厅逾第檬卢实唱宦拣寒伪挥垢城闹熄娜庇Unit7hatdoeshelooklikeUnit7hatdoeshelooklike short tall medium height 淡照粒吱谓胸塔碗怔骋肯唐仔磁绸糊燎瞎倚宋皮扮喧引扬惨朝弟酪契灾昨Unit7hatdoeshelooklikeUnit7hatdoeshelooklike thin heavy medium build 憋逗肝允嘿至命钎十殴襄蛹函伊贞渠博它县蚊在何冯凳找归卞悼镇唉芍南Unit7hatdoeshelooklikeUnit7hatdoeshelooklike a f a d h e b a/g e/c 琅社搅埂宅饱倾抒尖钩嘘优移辛芯榆搽惰莹积堂调午慎乘蟹蔫虞母峪聂奋Unit7hat


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