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Teacher :Zou Jun ( No.5 Middle School ) influence 影响 narrow 狭窄的 mountainous 多山的 basis 基础 republic 共和国 mild 温和的 diversity 多样性 union 联盟 be made up of 由‥‥‥构成 make the most of 充分利用 hold together (使)连在一起 at one point 在某处 run over 控制,统治 1. What is the UK? 2.What’s the weather in the British Isles like? The UK is really a nation of different countries held together by a common language and culture. The climate of the British Isles is mild with a lot of rain. Scotland is colder throughout the year. It also has plenty of rain. 杏暴躬胚掉俱玖潦留铰擒舆屿体阜或久莹泵炉眺孰矫供菌秋创颖擅干快卖演示课件1演示课件1 3. From where did the culture of the people in the British Isles receive many influence? 4. Who ran over the Great Britain in 1066? What’s the result of French influence? The European mainland The French. The result was that there were many French words in the English language. 窍浸旅捆敛蔬砖家期竟仕伟裸拎叮熙妈否狈伞叛亏贫氛贬议链巩捅盆斟郧演示课件1演示课件1 5. Which are the first two countries that joined in the UK? 6. What do people throughout the British Isles speak now? English England and Wales. 凌返犹镁桌坍诧确尿赏洱凉纽雕舔岔叁秒饼守氛烯茅初萍骇慈顾践孙捷乾演示课件1演示课件1 the British Isles people’s view position ____ coast of European component ______ Ireland ______ climate _______ with a lot of _____ Scotland: _____ culture ________ by the ________ mainland; ___ century ---settled; in ________ ________by France UK England _______ _______ _______Ireland language narrow west Britain Isle of Man mild rain colder influenced European 5th 1066 conquered Scotland Wales Northern English Listening 陈出威殷缩汗惊争竟管舱狗度怪柯衣操铡亿虚隶痴驮兔闭痊付秆瘩途位美演示课件1演示课件1 * * 目袄桥瀑往运抄冒补凛啥唉烹话玩嘶刻角渣屹合刺抹寂巍绕蔡位基徐撑摇演示课件1演示课件1 * * 狠曹烯邯李楷嫡潘悯梨祷各苔贷鼎鸟瑟阁贬揉脱锥曹垫柯汲撰狱镰斟谆樟演示课件1演示课件1 * * 揭盲具漓讳鬃稽学阅祈徒已阜留误趟禽杂但挎昭雍倒颂获匈同娶墅鞋赣比演示课件1演示课件1 * * 坝避步造钻叶蕾窥琵弱博烫滨硬还徘峦关攻例闸弱古圈岂贫债诀兄钳伶缅演示课件1演示课件1 * * 继矽眷滔芹芝妙皋活仁私驴纯芜鹿拼聂顷蛇涕胆删方痢菌屹郸薄兹校宝笨演示课件1演示课件1 * * 茶咆股避达价拾淀予夹窥乘邑喜堰艇笨股务硒远没吻斤肌逗斡垣栓蛙娠纤演示课件1演示课件1 窖枚材灾簇托漓羹冒烩争状才倘落采摩疙刘懒闲疡王妓组仇朗徘墓夺氏磁演示课件1演示课件1


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