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根据亚奥理事会章程,各代表团入场顺序按国家和地区英文名字字母顺序排列入场。 *运动员人数:约3100人 *入场时间:约40分钟 引导员 代表团 执旗手 运动员 代表团 代表团 领队 Entry of athletes to stadium 运动员入场 Entry route for athletes to stadium 运动员入场示意图 Marshals 标兵 Athletes 运动员 1、文莱 (Brunei Darussalam) 9、东帝汶 (Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste) 11、缅甸 (The Union of Myanmar) 2、柬埔寨 (CAM、Cambodia) 3、印度尼西亚 (INA、Indonesia) 4、老挝 (The Lao People s Democratic Re-public)? 5、马来西亚 (MAS、Malaysia) 7、新加坡 (SIN、Singapore) 8、泰国 (THA、Thailand) 6、菲律宾 (PHI、Philippines) 10、越南 (VIE、Vietnam) PA Order is based on current list of registered delegations in alphabetic order 入场顺序:参照已报名代表团名单,按礼宾顺序排列 Protocol Procedure 仪式流程 VIP区 1、国家领导人及贵宾入场 Entry of the Head of Republic of the Union of Myanmar and distinguished guests 2、倒计时 Countdown 3、缅甸联邦共和国国旗入场 Entry of the National flag of Republic of the Union of Myanmar 4、升缅甸联邦共和国国旗,奏唱缅甸联邦共和国国歌 Hoisting of the national flag of Republic of the Union of Myanmar, playing and singing of the national anthem of Republic of the Union of Myanmar 5、文艺演出 Cultural Performance (略) 7、参赛国运动员入场(国旗+引导牌) Entry of all the athletes (National flags and placards) 8、东南亚运动会联合会主席致辞 Speech by President of the SEA Games Federation 9、本届运动会组委会主席致辞 Speech by President of the 2013 SEA Games Organizing Committee 10、缅甸联邦共和国国家元首致辞并宣布开幕 Speech and Declearation of the Opening of the 2013 SEA Games by Head of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar 11、东南亚运动会联合会会旗入场(执旗手: 奥运会奖牌得主) Entry of the flag of SEA Games Federation (Flag-bearers: Olympic medalists) 12、升会旗,奏会歌 Hoisting of the flag and Playing of the Anthem of SEA Games Federation 13、运动员,裁判员代表宣誓 Oaths by Representatives of Athletes and Judges. 14、本届火炬入场 Entry of the Torch 15、圣火点燃 Lighting of the Flame (略) Egress Plan 疏散方案 Egress Arrangement Egress Embarkation Departure Buses depart once full seated, no nationalities difference Transportation Shuttle buses send athletes back to the Universiade Village directly 集中出场 验


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