First TRD Production Chambers培训讲义.ppt

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First TRD Production Chambers Production Tests Results Documentation Production of first Chambers Nov/Dec: Vist from Oleg and Sasha (Dubna): Parallel production of 2 chambers at Heidelberg Test of chambers: Christmas 2003-January 2004 New(s) (Challenges): -Glueing of Padplane-panel-assembly (100 cables have to be fed trough holes) -Wacosit Profile extruded in final shape (easier to use than standard G10 parts) -Winding machine after modifications Padplane glueing Feeding cables trough Backpanel cutouts worked well Glueing of Padplane to Honeycomb works, but can still be improved Wacosit profiles Wacosit is behaving good, minor quality improvements are discussed with Manufacturer Wiring Oleg glueing Anode wires What we learned: All current materials behave well. Tooling needed: Positioning of wire ledges, Distance ledges Crane for lifting of winding frame (installed in January) New winding frames (arrived) Tests Dark current: (Was a Problem with Prototype chambers) At first dark current started at ~1400-1500V. After some conditioning (over night at 50 nA) Dark Currents 1 nA Leak Rate Xe-cost driven Gain uniformity Electronics driven Preparation for tests Grounding of Padplane: Adhesive copper tape: not reliable Foldback clips, w. conductive foam: Complicated to use -use of PCB with real connectors to ensure reliable grounding of Padpane while testing (in devel.) Gas filling: Issue: time Procedure: flush Chamber with 80-100 l/h Ar/CO2 with open Gas-in-outlets. 1000 ppm O2 level after 2-3 h. Connect outlet etc. and flush at 20 l/h overnight -few ppm level next morning Gain Uniformity Chamber1 Left: copper tape grounding Below: foldback clips grounding Gain Uniformity Chamber 2 Looks ?flat“ Source collimation is not sufficient for detailed study -X-Ray test stand should give better results Leak rate Determined by measureing O2 concentration (and assuming diffusion leaks) Upper limit: 1,5-3 mbar*l/h Test chamber performance: 0,5 mbar*l/


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