George Gordon Byron 课用培训讲义.ppt

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Byronic hero :? A theme that pervades much of Byrons work is that of the Byronic hero, an idealized but flawed character whose attributes include: being a rebel; having a distaste for social institutions; being an exile; expressing a lack of respect for rank privilege; having great talent; hiding an unsavory past; being highly passionate; ultimately, being self-destructive. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage introduces the Byronic hero -- the romantic, isolated, moody protagonist. Byronic hero :? Byronic hero The literary history of the Byronic hero in English can be traced from Milton, especially Miltons interpretation of Lucifer as having justified complaint against God. One of Byrons most popular works in his lifetime, the closet play Manfred, was loosely modeled on Goethes anti-hero, Faust. Byrons influence was manifested by many authors and artists of the Romantic movement during the 19th century and beyond. An example of such a hero is Heathcliff from Emily Bront?s Wuthering Heights. Byron: Romantic or Neoclassic? :? Byron: Romantic or Neoclassic? Byron was unique among Romantic poets in that he respected the neoclassical poets and sought, to some degree, to emulate them.? Most Romantic poets sought to overturn the old conventions and to create a new poetry based on creativity and individualism. Byron used diverse verse structures, but he, like Pope and Dryden, wrote satires about society and other poets. In a sense, Byron straddled two worlds, as you can see in the following outline of his poetry. She Walks in Beauty :? She Walks in Beauty It was inspired by Mrs. Wilmot, Byrons cousin, when he saw her wearing a spangled dress at Lady Sitwells party in June, 1814. Byrons friend, James W. Webster, had written about the event: I did take him to Lady Sitwells party in Seymour Road. He there for the first time saw his cousin, the Beautiful Mrs. Wilmot. When we returned to his rooms in Albany, he said little, but desired Fletcher to give him a tumbler of Brandy


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