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两控区 * 大气处 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 数据来源: * * 下面汇报群体突出研究成果。 * * * * * * * * 两控区 * 大气处 * 目前城市和区域大气环境污染存在如下众多问题 * * * Now that we know that we have a problem – we need to focus in on how best to control PM2.5. In order to do that - we need to know a little bit more about it. So far the USEPA hasnt put much emphasis on ammonia as one of the growing air pollutants. This is because there isnt a direct health risk from ammonia itself but EPA still needs to closely monitor the levels of ammonia in the air because ammonia is often a precursor to particulate matter, a major source of air pollution and health issues such as asthma and heart problems. The major sources of ammonia air pollution are vehicles and industry. Ammonia air pollution is usually the highest in winter because cars and trucks are much more used during the cold winter months. Ammonia is also the main air pollutant emitted from agricultural sources, mostly emitted from manure produced in animal houses which later gets stored or applied to the land as fertilizer. * * * * Interim target 去掉US standard 根据发表的研究结果得到的中国一些城市和区域观测点PM2.5和PM10的平均质量浓度。 * * * * * * 两控区 * 大气处 * 两控区 * 大气处 * 两控区 * 大气处 * 两控区 * 大气处 * * 两控区 * 大气处 * 两控区 * 大气处 * 2001-2003 2008-2010 PM2.5 计算值: 年日均标准(第五区) # Sites 监测点数量 15 ug/m3 ‘01-’03 66 ‘08-’10 0 为什么PM2.5问题逐渐改善了? NOx Emissions (TPY) SO2 Emissions (TPY) Emission totals for 5-state LADCO region 为什么PM2.5问题逐渐改善了? VOC Emissions (TPY) Emission totals for 5-state LADCO region 根据2008年以来的研究性监测,北京市PM2.5年均浓度约为70微克/立方米,超出了新《环境空气质量标准》对PM2.5年均浓度35微克/立方米的限值。 按照《北京市2010-2020年大气污染治理工作方案》, 到2020年,本市空气中主要污染物将比2010年下降30%, PM10浓度降至80微克/立方米,PM2.5降至50微克/立方米。 治理PM2.5八项措施 1.全面开展PM2.5监测。将建立卫星遥感监测体系,形成地面和立体相结合的空气质量监测网。 北京案例:八大措施防治PM2.5 2. 2013年提前淘汰40万辆老旧机动车,到2015年再强制淘汰30万辆2001年前购买的国I标准老旧机动车。 3. 到2020年燃煤比重将控制在10%以下,全市煤炭消费总量控制在1000万吨以内。 4. 今后将禁止新建、扩建炼油、石化、水泥、钢铁、铸造、建材等高污染、高耗能产业。 5. 道路保洁将按照奥运期间保洁标准,所有道路实施机械化吸尘作业。 北京案例:八大措施防治PM2.5 6. 计划用5


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