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宿州学院 音乐学院本科毕业生实践报告书 2010届 题 目 我的声乐晚会心得 —歌曲演唱前后的心理变化 院 系: 音乐学院 专 业: 音乐学 年 级: 2010级 四班 学生姓名 : 程丽娟 学 号: 2009050224 导师及职称: 李小娜 副教授 毕业时间 : 2014年6月 摘要: 我的声音晚会心得,是在开展整场声乐晚会过程中,我体验和感悟到的东西。而这场晚会,也是对我这大学四年来,声乐学习的汇报和展示。从确定要开展晚会到晚会的圆满结束,之中包含了老师的辛勤栽培、我和同学们的努力练习,还有周边朋友的大力支持。整场声乐晚会,我共参与了三首声乐作品的演唱,是自我价值得到体现,也对我以后的音乐学习生涯有不可忽视的作用。本篇心得讲诉了我在参与整场晚会的心路历程和艺术实践感悟。 关键词:音乐会;学习成果;自我价值;实践;感悟 Abstract: My voice party experience, is to carry out the entire vocal party in the process, I came to realize that the experience and stuff. And this evening, but also for my four years of college, the reporting and display of vocal learning. From the party to be carried out to determine the successful conclusion of the party, among includes the teachers hard work and I practice hard and students, as well as the surrounding strong support of friends. The entire vocal party, I sang three songs were involved in the vocal works of self-worth is reflected, but also for my future career in music learning there can not be ignored. This complaint about my experience in participating in the mentality of the entire party and art practice insights. Key words: Study results show; Proof of self-worth; Growth process 目录 摘要·······························································1 英文摘要···························································2 音乐会实践说明······························5 第一节 毕业实践过程简介····································5 一、实践意图················································5 二、实践过程···············································5 三、实践意义 ··············································6 第二节 音乐会作品说明和实践感悟 ……………………………………………6 一、意大利歌曲《紫罗兰》 ·····························6 二、中国歌曲《梧桐树》 ····················


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