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摘 要 推出平板的目的是为了弥补手机和笔记本电脑之间的这块空白区域,就是为人们提供一款和手机一样携带方便、操作简单,但比手机视觉效果更好,并能像笔记本电脑一样可以快速流畅的上网、观看视频和玩游戏的产品。软件方面,除苹果自己有自己的IOS外,不管是国内还是国外厂商,由于google的开源,基本都选择了 andriod操作系统作为开发平台。Android是一个基于linux内核的操作系统,在一款产品的开发过程中,硬件驱动程序的开发和调试是一项艰巨的任务,驱动程序的质量直接影响产品的性能和稳定性,所以对平板上驱动程序的研究和设计具有实际工程意义。此次设计针对平板电脑中常用的几个硬件驱动进行了研究和设计,如LCD驱动,PWM背光驱动,按键驱动等。旨在熟悉驱动设计流程,掌握驱动设计的一般方法。 关键字:平板电脑,Android,linux,硬件驱动 ABSTRACT The purpose of the launch of the tablet is in order to make up the piece of blank area between mobile phones and laptop computers for people to offer a device as easy as mobile phone to carry, simple to operate, but better than the mobile phone visual effects, and the same as the laptop can quickly access to the Internet, watching videos and playing games. On the software side, in addition to Apples own IOS, whether domestic or foreign manufacturers, because of google opened the android source code, basically choose the andriod operating system as the development platform. Android is a Linux kernel-based operating system, in the process of a product development, developing and debugging hardware drivers is an arduous task, the quality of the driver directly impact on product performance and stability, So the research and design of the driver on the Tablet PC has a practical engineering significance. This paper will research and design a few hardware drivers that commonly used in the Tablet PC, such as LCD drivers, PWM backlight driver, key drivers and so on. The purpose of this design is to familiar to the driver design process and grasp the general approach to driver design. Keywords: tablet pc, android, linux, hardware drivers 目 录 第一章 引言 5 1.1 ARM处理器介绍 5 1.2 android 操作系统介绍 6 1.3 平板电脑驱动开发概述 7 第二章 软硬件平台介绍和启动过程分析 9 2.1 硬件平台介绍 9 2.2 软件平台介绍 9 2.3 启动过程分析 10 第三章 LCD驱动设计及实现 13 3.1 显示控制器及显示器硬件配置 13 3.1.1 S5PV210 显示控制器 13 3.1.2 三星9.7寸IPS屏LTN097XL02 13 3.1.3 显示模块硬件连接方式 14 3.2 android下的LCD驱动 15 3.2.1 LCD 硬件时序参数设置 15 3.2.2 LCD硬件设备注册 16 3.2.3 frambuffer驱动注册 18 第四章 PWM背光驱动设计及实现


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