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Intro. SF should take a plastic surgerySub point 1. Beneficial for herself+people no longer scold her even for her disgusting behaviorsubpiont 2.+social harmony+eyes get clearer; better mood every day..一一对应反驳阅读intro. Unconvincing..not persuasive…sp 1. Not exactly good for her people hate someone, not because of the appearance, but because of the behavior. EgGuo…sp 2. The SH will not at all be influenced.Over exaggerate……..20 min 听力是如何反驳阅读的150-225 words 4段全部客观转述能力要求?边看边理解,做笔记听懂每句话(精听)Not as important as 单词连读句子结构because my younger sister is relatively na?ve, she even believed what the man said as true. The man who told my sister that she could work for him is actually a man who has been in prison fro 4 years. 理解这句话的功能(是反驳阅读的逻辑?还是支持性的细节?)语言组织()30 min 300以上字数能力分拆?思维能力(迅速想到两个分论点?分论点的展开)语言能力基础语法(做不好的话,分数20-)他是如何从超重减肥到现在的标准身材的,依然是个秘密。How he lost weight from overweight to the standard figureis a secret. It’s a secret that how he lost weight from A to B.政府应该提倡市民保护环境。The government should advocate protecting the environment. Advocate that citizens protect the E托福进阶初级写作语言串联(20-23)the society is developing rapidly. People have no time to entertain themselves. They are left with no time to be concerned with others.语言强度the career preparation sharpens the competitive edge. The more preparation, the sharper edges students could gain. Studying in NOS boost my efficiency.I can hardly improve the performance unless I study here in NOS. (看范文+改写自己的)Intro模板形式:it’s necessary to have regular meals with family members. when it comes to the issue whether(把话题同义转述一下) family members should dine together frequently, different people surely hold different views based on their divergent backgrounds, experiences, and values. As for me, absolutely frequent meals with my parents and siblings are a MUST.Therefore, my idea is quite clear: even thoughI have to sacrifice some working and entertaining time, I still treat the regular meals with family members as a necessity in life. 非模板自己观点+吸引注意力帅(


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