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商务英语中级 Unit 1a Assess Toiletry Expatriate Food and accommodation Major brands Profile Group Simulation Board games Mania Unit 1b Exceed Overestimate Culture-specific Understate Seminar Idiomatic Follow-up evaluation The business world Official language International communication Unit 2a Criteria Attentiveness Value for money Questionnaire Interior design Enhance Objective Corporate events Call in/by Cater for Unit 2b Substantial Stopover Contact Prospect Stand around Chit-chat Distraction Trade Fair Head Office Finalise Unit 3a Place an order Headquarters Catalogue Article Item Vendor Chart measurements Mail order company Summer collection Confirmation Unit 3b Cash flow Final payment Case study Down payment Early settlement discount Credit terms Outstanding balance Labour costs Cash on delivery Penalty Inventory Order books Unit 4a Industry analyst Own-label Cut-price Saturated Diversify Mortgage Margin Publicity Estate agent Bonus points Brand loyalty Vouchers Cover Loyalty schemes Unit 4b Public relations Company value Freelance Venue Itinerary Brief Format Run in Gross national product Unit 5a Inflation Overheads Tariff R D project Running costs Relocation Cosmopolitan Sophisticated Distribution network Infrastructure Sophisticated Distribution network Scheduled flights Cosmopolitan Unit 5b Metro station Tenant Surface car parking Underground car parking Leasehold Amenity Tenure Homogenize Endorse Industrial estate Boardroom Work ethic Retain Unit 6a ? company performance 公司绩效 ? performance evaluation 绩效评估 ? annual report 年度报告 ? pre-tax profits 税前利润 ? supermarket chain 连锁超市 ? breakeven n. adj. 无亏损(的)、盈亏相抵(的) ? volatile adj. 可变的、不稳定的 ? annual report 年度报告 ? strike action 罢工行动 ? exchange rate (外汇)兑换率、汇率、汇价 ? ongoing adj. 正在进行的 ? disposal?? n. 出售、出让 ? deliver?? vi. 实现 ? balance sheet 资产负债表、 决算表、平衡表 ? cash management 现金管理 ? net cash?? 净现金收入 ? operating margins 经营利润 ? sales volume 销售量 ? trading volume 贸易额、交易额 ? turnover n. 营业额 ? restructure vt


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