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甲型流感病毒H1N1亚型(记作A(H1N1)或H1N1),也称H1N1病毒,是甲型流感病毒的一种,也是人类最常感染的流感病毒之一。一些H1N1的种类可以在人类间传播,包括1918年的流感大爆发,另一些可在雀鸟和猪之间传播。   H1N1新型流感(猪流感)原是一种于猪只中感染的疾病,属于A型流感病毒,常见病毒为H1N1、H1N2、H3N1与H3N2。美国疾管局资料显示,美国以前即曾有人类感染猪流感之病例。目前墨西哥与美国爆发的猪流感疫情,即为H1N1病毒所引起,但目前对此种结合猪流感、人类流感的新病毒型所知不多。 That the sub A type influenza virus H1N1 type (pig flu) occupies first place over the sub type influenza virus H1N1 type (write down doing A (H1N1) or H1N1) , also calls H1N1 virus, is a kind of A type influenza virus , is also one of the influenza virus that human being is affected with most often. A few H1N1 kind can thin out propagation in human being , flu including 1918 outburst , another a few may thin out propagation only in sparrow bird and the pig. The H1N1 new model flu (pig flu) plain is one kind of the disease being affected by among pig god of the earth , belong to the A type influenza virus, the common virus is H1N1 , H1N2 , H3N1 and H3N2. USA disease is in charge of bureau data display , USA is case of once had human being to be affected with pig flu previously. The pig flu epidemic situation that Mexico and USA break out at present, is to is aroused by H1N1 virus , what type knows is not at present many but to this kind of union pig flu , new human being flu virus. 人是怎样感染甲型H1N1流感的? 人类疫情现在是人际传播。感染者咳嗽或打喷嚏时,飞沫会沾到手上和物体表面,或散播到空气中。另一人则可能吸入污染空气,或触摸受感染的手或物体表面,并有暴露风险。为避免传播疾病,人们咳嗽时应用纸巾掩盖口鼻,并且应当勤洗手。 How do people become infected with influenza A(H1N1)? Outbreaks in humans are now occurring from human-to-human transmission. When infected people cough or sneeze, infected droplets get on their hands, drop onto surfaces, or are dispersed into the air. Another person can breathe in contaminated air, or touch infected hands or surfaces, and be exposed. To prevent spread, people should cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing, and wash their hands regularly. 感染有哪些症状和体征? 甲型H1N1流感的早期症状类似流感,包括发热、咳嗽、头痛、肌肉和关节疼痛、喉咙痛和流鼻涕,有时会呕吐或腹泻。 What are the signs and symptoms of infection? Early signs of influenza A(


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