高三一轮复习B1 Unit 5 The silver screen.ppt

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3.I an invitation to a dinner party,but I didn’t it because I was too busy. A.received;receive B.accepted;accept C.received;accept D.accepted;receive 解析 receive an invitation收到请柬;I didn’t accept it我没有接受邀请。 C 4.At that time the workers got only a few dollars for their hard time each month. A.after all B.in all C.for all D.all together 解析 in all总计,总共;for all尽管,虽然; after all毕竟;all together一起。句意为:那 时工人每月总计仅得到几美元的报酬维持生计。 B 5. the Peace Nobel Prize of 1964 for advocating nonviolence policy in the movement for civil rights,Martin Luther King felt very happy about that. A.To be awarded B.Awarded C.Awarding D.To award 解析 句意为:马丁·路德·金因为主张民权运 动中采取非暴力政策而被授予1964年诺贝尔和平 奖,对此他感到非常高兴。awarded是过去分词形 式,相当于because he was awarded...,在句中 作原因状语。C、D两项语态不正确,A项表示将 来,也与句意不符。 B 6.UN Secretary General Ban Kimoon often states at international conferences that the developed countries should greatly reduce the debts which the underdeveloped countries to them. A.to owe B.owe C.owing D.owed 解析 由句型结构可知,空白处是which引导的定 语从句的谓语,A项和C项都不能作谓语;同时, 句子所陈述的是现在的事实,因此时态应是一般 现在时。句意为:联合国秘书长潘基文经常在国 际会议上表示:发达国家应大幅度地减轻欠发达 国家的债务。 B think sth.out认真考虑,仔细盘算 think sth. over仔细考虑,慎重思考 speak highly/well/badly of对……高度评价(评价 低) sing high praise...for高度赞扬 What do you think of...?你认为……怎么样? How do you like/find...?你认为……怎么样? 能力转化 (1)He always (先 想到别人). (2)I (一直在仔细思考) what you said. (3)The plan (考虑得很周 到). (4)—Thank you ever so much for your help. — (不用谢). thinks of other people first have been thinking over is well thought out Think nothing of it 8. still a student,she played roles in many plays.还在上学的时候,她就在很多 戏里扮演过角色。 典例体验 asked,he gave good advice. 只要问他,他就提供好的建议。 necessary,we’ll have a meeting. 如果有必要的话,我们就开个会。 printed,the book will


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