Don’t Let a Fall Get You Down CAOT不要让秋天让你不.pptVIP

Don’t Let a Fall Get You Down CAOT不要让秋天让你不.ppt

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Don’t Let a Fall Get You Down CAOT不要让秋天让你不

Don’t Let a Fall Get You Down Leisure and Hobbies Sharing Experiences Has anyone had any falls or injuries that occurred while enjoying leisure and hobbies? In this session we’ll… Look at ways that you can safely return to the leisure activities and hobbies that you enjoyed before your fall. Apply the “Person, Occupation, Environment” problem solving strategy to look at ways to keep doing the activities that you enjoy and be safe. The Canadian Model of Occupational Performance Sewing and Quilting Person Improve standing balance through participation in a regular exercise program. Discuss any medications with your doctor or pharmacist to determine if they might be affecting your balance. If so, ask whether there are other alternatives. Make sure that you have eaten appropriately. If you are diabetic, be sure that your blood sugar levels are well controlled. Environment Make sure that your working surfaces are the correct height. Bending over a low surface to cut out fabric can cause back problems. Set up your sewing machine on a large table so that the table can take the weight of your fabric. Put a piece of non-slip surface under your foot pedal so that it doesn’t slip forward when you sew. Make sure that your equipment is in good working order. Dull scissors are more difficult to use, and dull seam rippers or rotary cutters can cause injuries. Make sure that your lighting is bright enough. Consider using a magnifier when doing hand sewing or ripping stitches. Occupation Consider changing from hand quilting to machine quilting. Change your ironing board to sitting height and iron from a sitting position. Walking or Hiking Person Improve standing balance through participation in a regular exercise program. Stretch before you begin. Make sure your footwear is supportive and the soles have good traction. There are slip-on ice treads available for winter walking. Wear hip protectors so that, if you do fall, you are less likely to injure yourself. Enviro


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