Egyptian Creation myths University of Texas at 埃及神话德克萨斯大学.pptVIP

Egyptian Creation myths University of Texas at 埃及神话德克萨斯大学.ppt

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Egyptian Creation myths Heliopolitan cosmogony Creator gods--Amun Creator gods—Ra or Re Creator god--Ptah Creator god--Aten Nut, Geb and Shu Children of Nut and Geb Death of Osiris Rescue of Osiris by Isis Osiris Isis Seth Horus—son of Osiris and Isis Hathor Hathor continued Anubis: jackal-headed god of cemeteries and embalming Bastet Bes Sekhmet:Lioness-headed goddess of healing Tawaret: goddess of mothers pregnant women Maat: goddess of order, truth, justice Thoth: god of wisdom, protector of scribes Animal mummies Akh, Ba, and Ka * There were four theories; however, each theory holds that in the beginning, only a primordial, stagnant ocean called Nu existed. In addition, the four theories agree that out of Nu, rose the primeval hill. Each cosmology believed it was their temple that stood on this hill. The first step-pyramids are no doubt symbolic of this mound. All cosmologies share the belief that creation was a slow process, not catastrophic. Finally, they also all agree that there was a First Time,“ or a time period when the gods actually lived on earth. the Heliopolitan cosmogony develops the myth further. The first event was the creation of Amun, the god of Heliopolis. There is dispute over whether he created himself, or was the son of Nu. Some texts say he first appeared over the hill, others say he was, himself, the hill. Eventually, Atum became associated with Ra, the sun-god. Ra-Atum at this point is said to be the coming of the light to disperse the darkness of Nu. His next task was to create other gods. He did this by masturbation, not having a mate. This was not offensive to ancient Egyptians, but in fact intensified his power in their minds. Ra-Amun gave birth by spitting out twins: Shu,the god of the air and Tefnut, goddess of world order. Shu and Tefnut gave birth to Geb, god of the earth, and his wife and sister, Nut, goddess of the sky. Geb and Nut, in turn, were the parents of Isis, Osiris, Nephthys, and Set. Horus, ano



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