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Megastructures.Beijing.Olympic.Stadium You cant host the Olympics without a world-class facility and, for 2008, Chinas gearing up to do the honors by building one of the worlds largest enclosed facilities - the Beijing National Stadium. 42,000 tons of twisted steel and a stadium to seat 90,000 people - one of the biggest and most ambitious constructions projects ever attempted in modern China. Against the backdrop of Chinas rush to the Olympics, examine the unique features of the birds nest stadium, following its design, engineering and construction up until the ultimate test, where Games organizers will find out if this ambitious project is ready in time for the Opening Ceremony of the XXIX Olympiad. 【整理】 伟大工程巡礼 -1 In the centre of Beijing lies a daring new design, 42,000 tons of steel beams woven together into the shape of a bird’s nest. It’s the stunning vision of an international team of architects and engineers, and it takes centre stage in one of the biggest events of the decade, the 2008 Olympic Games. Come inside, Beijing’s Olympic Stadium. It’s early morning in China’s capital, Beijing. Today, workers must raise a gigantic massive twisted steel to the top of this structure, 70 meters in the air. It’s the last piece of the puzzle to complete the steel skeleton of this unusual arena. Its steel roof is 320 meters long and 297 meters wide, and covers a massive bowl that seats 91,000 spectators. It is the largest stadium ever built in China. And it is the center of the biggest sporting event in Chinese history, the 2008 Summer Olympics. But even more impressive than its sheer size is its unprecedented design. It’s an ambitious plan that calls for giant curving beams which crisscross in an intricate pattern of woven steel. They give the building its nickname -- the Bird’s Nest. No building like this one has ever been attempted before in the world. As the design evolved, it’s quite clear that it was going to be a major challenge to engineer it, a


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