-----2012年温州市高三第二次适应性测试 英语试卷分析及复习.pptVIP

-----2012年温州市高三第二次适应性测试 英语试卷分析及复习.ppt

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-----2012年温州市高三第二次适应性测试 英语试卷分析及复习.ppt

WHY do we sometimes struggle with moral dilemmas? Why is it a crime to take certain drugs but its acceptable to take others? Why is it wrong to create human embryos to cure diseases suffered by millions? Often, we follow rules that bring little benefit and can even be positively harmful. But the rules are not set in stone, so there is nothing stop us getting rid of those that dont work and putting better ones in their place. Now an experiment suggests that morality isnt entirely about benefits to individuals. We also tend to make and obey arbitrary moral rules, probably as a way of promoting social consolidation WHY do we sometimes struggle with moral dilemmas? Why is it a crime to take certain drugs but its acceptable to take others? Why is it wrong to create human embryos to cure diseases suffered by millions? Often, we follow rules that bring little benefit and can even be positively harmful. But the rules are not set in stone, so there is nothing stop us getting rid of those that dont work and putting better ones in their place. Now an experiment suggests that morality isnt entirely about benefits to individuals. We also tend to make and obey arbitrary moral rules, probably as a way of promoting social consolidation. * * * -----2012年温州市高三第二次适应性测试 英语试卷分析及复习策略 苍南金乡高级中学高三英语备课组 高苗苗 2012.4. 24 一 简要分析2012二模试卷 2012年温州市高三第二次适应性测试英语科试题严格参照新的课程标准,高考英语命题原则和考试大纲进行命题,注重对学生语言能力和素质的检测。单选和改错设置语法知识覆盖面广,完型填空选材贴近学生生活,阅读选材新颖题材广泛, 有很浓的时代和生活气息.书面表达要求学生描述图画内容并表达自己看法,考查学生的语言知识水平的同时,也给予学生充分展示语言能力的机会,体现了“选拔性”考试的特点,整体与2012年高考考试说明中的样卷更为接近。它兼具高考试卷的难度和稳定性,是一份对我们后阶段高考复习十分有指导意义的试卷。 11 92 115 89 105 116 84 36 6 平均分 539 最低分 最高分 40 40- 49 50- 59 60- 69 70- 79 80- 89 90- 99 54.76 实考 分析学生答题情况 由此可见我校高三学生英语基础薄弱,高分不高,低分很多,因此我们今后的复习计划的制定要以基础为主。 1.单项选择特点: 单项填空设置紧扣高考考试说明,考点分布合理,且注重词义辨析,20道题目中有7道词义辨析,干扰项设置科学,题干用词新颖。题目设置强调考查学生的语言实际运


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