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Tasmania ranked No.2 for wine investment红酒投资最佳环境,塔斯马尼亚排名第二A leading international wine magazine says Tasmania is second only to China as the best place in the world to invest in the industry.一份领先的国际红酒杂志报道称塔斯马尼亚成为世界上仅次于中国的红酒行业最佳投资地。The Drinks Business says the island states cool climate, affordable land, abundant water and lack of pests and diseases all mean its $75 million wine industry is likely to expand.该杂志(The Drinks Business)称,塔斯马尼亚气候凉爽,地价便宜,水源丰富及虫害、疾病少发意味着其7500万美元的红酒行业很可能扩张。While the magazines Top 10 Vineyard Investments article focuses on non-traditional wine-making regions, it still rates Tasmania ahead of Frances Languedoc region and the Italian island of Sardinia.虽然该杂志论述十佳葡萄园投资地重点聚焦在非传统酿酒地区,但其仍然将塔斯马尼亚的评级排在了法国朗格多克地区和意大利撒丁岛之前。The state has become something of a mecca for wines such as pinot noir and riesling with Hobart recently hosting the International Cool Climate Symposium.该国已经成为了一些大型葡萄酒厂商诸如黑比诺,雷司令与霍巴特最近国际气候凉爽研讨会的举办地。It boosted Tasmanias profile and officials were buoyed by predictions there that the island could own the world pinot market and be the southern hemispheres Champagne.这提高了塔斯马尼亚的国家资质,其官员预测该岛应该“拥有”世界黑市,是南半球的香槟源泉。Although the Drinks Business ranking has come as a surprise, the state government has already responded to the goodwill generated by the symposium with a guide book for potential investors which covers everything from revenue projections for a 10 hectare vineyard to climate change.尽管酒业协会杂志(the Drinks Business)的排名似乎有些让人感到意外,但该国政府已经对这次研讨会所产生的积极面出了一本针对潜在投资者的指导书,这些投资者s从一个10公顷葡萄庄园产生的可观红利项目到气候变化的方方面面。Our island offers water availability, soil, land affordability, branding and biosecurity advantages over many popular wine regions, minister for economic development David OByrne said on Thursday.经济发展部长David OByrne周四说:“我们的岛屿提供了丰富的淡水、石油、廉价的土地,许多受欢迎的葡萄酒产区品牌及生物优势,”。Our temperate maritime climate is among (our) natural strengths.“还有包括我们的温带海洋性气候的自然优势。”Its perfect for producing ultra-premium cool-climate wines, which are increasingly popular worldwide


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