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Unit 6 Electronic Payment The Key to Exercises: Reading comprehension 2 (1) Today, we have several electronic payment options such as credit card, electronic check, electronic wallet, electronic cash and electronic fund transfer. (2) Credit card is by far the most popular method that consumers use to pay for online purchases. (3) Customer, merchant, issuing bank, payment processing service, and processor. (4) A concern of consumers is the security while sending credit card information over the Internet. The Key to Exercises: Translation 1 (1) 认证过程决定购物者的信用卡是否有效以及是否有足够资金。 (2) 发卡行将支付认证是否通过的处理结果发送给处理中心。 (3) 消费者也想确定没有人修改其订单、联络的是真正的商家而不是假冒者。 The Key to Exercises: Reading Material 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A * * ? Warm-up ? Background Information ? Word Study Text Analysis ? Exercises Warm-up Read the following page from PayPal, and discuss the questions with your classmates: ? What is the program used for? ?List some similar programs you have encountered in your online experiences. Background Information 货币电子化、支付过程信息化是电子商务的重要特征之一。电子支付有很多方式,例如信用卡、电子支票、电子钱包、电子现金、电子资金转账等等。目前,影响电子商务能否成功的关键因素之一是电子支付的安全性。 Background Information eBay的PayPal、阿里巴巴的支付宝、易趣网的安付通、拍拍网的财付通等都是典型的第三方网上支付工具。支付宝的交易流程如下图: Text Analysis Credit Card Payment Process Today, we have many electronic payment options such as credit card, electronic check, electronic wallet, electronic cash and electronic fund transfer. [1] Credit card is by far the most popular method that consumers use to pay for online purchases. Text Analysis The process of credit card payment has two major phases: authorization and settlement. [2] Authorization determines whether a buyer’s credit card is active and with sufficient funds. (译文) Settlement involves the transfer of money from the buyer’s account to the merchant’s account. For a certain credit card and processing system, the processes and participants are essentially the same for online (card not present) and offline (card present) purchas


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