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作业讲解 汉英对照 本论引入先锋电影思潮的理论模式来概括中国新时期艺术电影的发展进程,将具有强烈探索精神的一代电影人的历史性出场描述为摆脱传统电影观的影像先锋,把第五代和第六代电影看作是前后递延的先锋电影思潮来认识,并据此形成了中国当代先锋电影的基本概念: Adopting the theoretical patterns about the ideas of the pioneering films, this dissertation outlines the process of the development of the artistic films in the new era of China. It describes the film-makers with high spirit of exploration as pioneers who want to get rid of the fetters of the traditional viewpoints about films and the films of the 5th and 6th generations as the succeeding of the conceptual current of the pioneering films, on which the basic concept about the contemporary Chinese pioneering films is formed: 中国当代先锋电影系指文革结束之后,出现在中国大陆的一种前驱的艺术电影创作倾向,它是在现代性思潮影响下,以反抗旧的电影模式为行动策略、创造新的电影思维为价值旨归,并最终改变了中国电影的整体面貌的电影创新运动。 the contemporary Chinese pioneering films refer to the new movement in the trend of composing the artistic films in the mainland China after the Cultural Revolution, which is influenced by the modern ideas and takes the strategies of action against the old patterns of films with the purpose of creating new thoughts about the films, which ultimately changed the overall image of the Chinese films. 从第五代的老先锋到第六代新生代,当代中国的先锋电影展示了一个从启蒙主义到后现代主义的文化转型轨迹,后者从前者那里突围出来并与之对立。本论的启蒙主义是对1980年代的新启蒙运动的一种理解与阐释, From the old pioneering films of the 5th generation to the new one of the 6th generation, the contemporary Chinese pioneering films exhibit the trace of the cultural transformation from the enlightenment to the post-modernism, with the latter getting independent from the former and opposed to the former. In this dissertation the enlightenment is a kind of understanding and interpretation of the new movement of enlightenment in 1980s, 即以隐喻的方式——反封建,把中国大陆的历史反思置于传统/现代、中/西的二元对立中,再次完成关于现代性的价值重申与文化想象,并通过对个体主体和人类主体的肯定吁求人的自由和解放。 which is against the feudalism in a way of metaphor and puts the reflection of the history of the mainland China in the dichotomy between the tradi


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