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毕 业 设 计(论文) 外 文 文 献 翻 译 文献、资料中文题目:色彩营销理论 文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院 (部): 专 业: 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14 Abstract. 摘要 This article explores the role that color can play in building brand meaning with two experiments. 本文通过两个实验,来探讨颜色在构建品牌意义方面所发挥的作用。 Without prior conditioning, we demonstrate how an appropriately chosen color for a brand name (logo) can bring inherent and immediate value to a brand. 我们论证了,在没有前提条件的情况下,为一个品牌(商标)选择一个合适的颜色,能带来内在和直观的品牌价值。 Experiment 1 explores the notion of congruity, showing that it is more appropriate for functional products to be presented in functional colors, and sensory social products in sensory-social colors. 实验1探讨了一致性的概念,表明功能型产品的商标更适合使用功能型色彩,而感知型产品则适合使用感知型的色彩。 Experiment 2 examines the effect of red and blue on brands of products that can be classified as both functional and sensory-social, and the ability of color to enhance a brand’s desired image. 实验2则证明了红色和蓝色在品牌形象的构建中,可以同时起到功能型和感知型的作用。此外,颜色还能提升品牌的期望值。 When people know how brands are attempting to position themselves, people consider colors congruent with those positions to be more appropriate. 当人们了解到品牌是如何试图定位它们自身的时候,人们便会考虑与这些定位更接近和一致的颜色来搭配它们。 Key Words ? brand identity color ? connotative meaning 关键词:品牌识别;颜色;内涵 Consumers associate certain brands with certain colors, such as Marlboro with red, Guinness with black, and Cadbury with purple (Grimes and Doole, 1998). Grimes and Doole, 1998)。 Collectively, color, symbol, shape and lettering contribute to what Lightfoot and Gerstman (1998) define as visual equity. 一般来说,颜色,符号,形状和字母决定了莱特福特和格斯特曼所定义的视觉平衡。 Visual equity is the value derived from ‘visual form’, that is the ‘look and feel’ of the brand. Visual equity contributes towards brand recognition, enabling a brand to stand out on the supermarket shelf (e.g. the iconic shape of the Coca Cola bottle). 视觉平衡是从视觉形式中衍变来的价值,即品牌的“外形和感觉”。视觉平衡有助于品牌认知,使一个品牌可以从市场货架上脱颖而出(例如:可口可乐瓶子的图标形状)。 It also helps to communicate a brand’s d


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