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基于单片机控制的智能电表抄表系统 摘 要 近年来,随着单片机成本的降低、通信技术的快速发展以及通信技术的多样化,单片机控制结合通信技术,被越来越频繁的运用到人们的生活中。随着我国电网建设不断的深入进行,家用电表数量急剧上升,传统的人力抄表方式费时效率低,而且准确性不高,这个传统的方式已经不符合当今电力改革的要求,研究出智能电表抄表系统是必然的趋势。 本论文研究的是“基于单片机控制的智能电表抄表系统”。电表抄表系统采用ST意法半导体单片机STM32F103C8T6和电力载波通信芯片ST7540,以及电力载波电路和电平转换电路等外围电路。在单片机控制下,结合FSK调制解调通信技术的电表抄表系统的硬件和软件实现,绘制对应的电路原理图并且实现、编写单片机代码和反复进行软硬件调试等一系列的相关工作,最终做成抄表电路板和软件管理系统。该系统具有可靠性高、可扩展性强、成本费用低、计量准确等特点。主要用于电能信息的自动抄录,实现了居民住宅的电量自动检测、收费和管理。 关键词:智能电表抄表系统;单片机STM32F103C8T6;ST7540;MAX232 Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of communication technology, the diversification to reduce chip cost and communication technology, microprocessor control with communication technology, is more and more frequently used in peoples lives. With the deepening of Chinas power grid construction has been a sharp rise in the number of household electric meter, meter reading, human traditional time-consuming low efficiency, and the accuracy is not high, the traditional way can not meet the requirements of the reform of electric power, smart meter reading system is the inevitable trend of. The research of this paper is the smart meter reading system based on single chip microcomputer. Automatic meter reading system based on ST single chip microcomputer STM32F103C8T6 and meaning law semiconductor power load and power line carrier communication chip STM7540, circuit and voltage conversion circuit and so on. Under the control of the microcontroller, combined with the automatic meter reading system B-PSK modulation and demodulation of communication technology, the realization of hardware and software, circuit schematic drawing, and the corresponding program and repeated debugging of hardware and software of a series of related work, and ultimately make the meter reading circuit board and software management system. The system has high reliability, scalability, low cost, accurate measurement etc.. Mainly used in automatic transcribi


李天佑 + 关注


