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毕业论文 高新技术企业技术研发人员人力资本价值评估研究 摘 要 随着人类社会的不断进步,科学技术日新月异,当今世界己进入一个崭新的时代一知识经济时代,科学技术成为第一生产力,人作为信息、技术、知识的载体是推动经济增长的关键因素。高新技术企业作为人力资源密集、知识密集型的企业,人力资源则是其决定性资源,而技术研发人员作为最主要的人力资源构成要素,其人力资源价值的高低直接决定着企业效益的好坏。因此,对高新技术企业技术研发人员人力资源价值进行正确评估显得尤为重要。亚当·斯密在《国富论》中指出“在社会固定资本中,可提供收入或利润的项目,除物质资本外,还包括社会上人民学到的一切有用才能”。西方经济学家对人力资源开展了深入研究,但由于人力资本的特殊性质,人力资本的计量非常困难。本文以高新技术企业技术研发部门的技术研发人员作为研究对象,通过对前人人力资本价值评估的相关内容回顾和总结,以建立较为合理、科学的技术研发人员人力资本价值评估模型。在借鉴国内外人力资源价值评估理论和方法研究的基础上,尝试着对我国高新技术企业人力资源价值评估方法进行分析,以此充实我国人力资源价值评估的理论,完善我国人力资本价值评估方法,并为人力资本价值评估实践提供指导和依据。这对于高新技术企业吸引、培训、激励技术研发人员提供理论依据,具有丰富的现实意义。 关键词: 高新技术企业;技术研发人员;人力资本;人力资本价值;评估模型 Abstract With the Progress of the hurnan society,seience and technology also develops Greatly from day to day.Nowadays,the world already enters new era of knowledge economy era,,and seience and techoology becomes the primary productive force. Technology research and development as the most important human resource elements .And it is especiaily important for the high-tech enterprises to righteously evaluate their human resources·Adam ·Smith in the wealth of nations that in the society in fixed capital, can provide the project revenues or profits, in addition to the material capital outside, still include social learning all useful to the people. The western economists to human resources deepened research, but because the special properties of the human capital, and human capital for the measurement of the very difficult. This paper with high and new technology enterprise technology research and development department of the R D staff as the research object, and through the previous human capital of the relevant contents of value assessment review and summarize, in order to create a reasonable and scientific R D staff human capital value evaluation model.Based on human resources evaluating assessment theory and study method,the main Purpose of this paper is attempting to carry out analysis on our enterprises in China,to enrich our country hurnan resources va



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