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摘 要 薄煤层采煤机用于采高低于1300mm的煤层。由于有些煤层的厚度太低普通采煤机难以进行正常开采,影响采煤的效率。对一些薄、厚煤层并存的煤矿,由于薄煤层开采速度缓慢,使其下部的中厚煤层长期得不到及时开采,以至影响工作面的正常接替,而有的就只能被迫丢失一些薄煤层资源。随着大批煤矿中、厚煤层的资源开采比较多,使得资源越来越少,所以薄煤层的开采已列入日程。因此,研制适合的薄煤层采煤机,以适应不同的煤层结构,提高薄煤层采煤的工作效率是当务之急。 虽然薄煤层采煤机的型号、规格有许多,但它的各主要组成部分大同小异,合理选择薄煤层采煤机的截割部的参数,可以改善其工作性能和减少采煤比能耗。选择这个题目就是要进一步熟悉薄煤层采煤机各部分的工作原理,对其进行更好的改进,并对它的截割部减速器进行细致分析设计,使其耐用并且省时省力容易装修,使其在工作中能够有更好的经济效益。对于现在使用较为广泛的薄煤层采煤机的减速器中存在的锥齿轮,影响电动机的安放和使用寿命,针对此处进行改进。 关键词:薄煤层采煤机;截割机构;减速器。 Abstract For now the wider use of thin seam Shearer reducer in the bevel gear, horn and placed the motor life, for improvement here.Shearer for the thin seam-less than 1300 mm of high coal seam. As some of the coal seam thickness of ordinary low Shearer difficult to carry out normal exploitation, impact on the efficiency of coal mining. For some thin, the coexistence of thick coal seam, thin due to the slow pace of coal mining, to the lower part of the thick coal seam in the long-term not promptly mining, as well as affect the normal face to succeed, but some will be forced to lose some of the Thin seam resources. With a large number of coal mines in the thick seam of resource exploitation more, making fewer and fewer resources, the exploitation of thin seam has been included in the agenda. Therefore, the development of the thin seam for Shearer to adapt to different seam structure, improve the thin seam of coal mining efficiency is imperative. Although Shearer thin seam of models, specifications have many, but its the major component of the same, a reasonable choice Shearer thin seam of cutting the Department of parameters, can improve their work performance and reduce power consumption than coal mining. Choose this subject is to further thin seam Shearer familiar with the different parts of the working principle, to better improve, and its cutting reducer a detailed analysis of the design, durability and its time-saving easy decoration, To work to have better economic returns. Key words: thin


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