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网上心理咨询系统的设计与实现 学 院: 专 业: 指导教师: 2014年 11 月 基于JSP的大学生网上心理咨询系统的设计与实现 摘要 科技改变生活,随着技术水平的一步一步不断提高,信息己经成为时下全社会讨论的热点,与材料、能源一同被视为社会和科学技术发展的三大支柱。信息作为管理的基础,也是进行决策的的基本根据。在大集体当中,信息己成为人力、物力、财力之外的第四种能源,具有举足轻重的作用。然而,信息却是非物质的,区别于基本资源的新的形式的资源。信息由于作为管理的对象,也必须进行管理和控制。另一方面,大学生的心理问题越来越受到各方的关注,如何通过互联网建立一个系统用来收集学生们有关心理健康问题的信息,并快速有效地予以解决,成为了我关注的焦点。网上心理咨询系统应运而生,它是将IT技术用于, 这一网站能够收集与存储心理健康的档案信息,为大家提供更新与检索心理健康信息档案的接口;提高工作效率。本系统采用论文主要介绍了本的开发背景,所要完成的功能和开发的。了系统设计的重点、设计思想、难点技术和解决方案。 The design of online college students psychological quality testing system based on JSP Abstract Todays society has entered the era of information society, information has been widespread concern in society, as the three pillars of the social and scientific and technological development (materials, energy, information) one. Information management, decision-making basis for In an organization, the information has the energy of the fourth addition to the human, material and financial resources to occupy an important position. However, information is a non-material resources of the new form is different from the basic resources. Information is also managed objects, management and control. Site retrieval system is the IT technology for the management of the site to retrieve information, file information retrieval and storage site, it can collect, update and retrieve the website to retrieve information file interface; improve work efficiency. The system uses JSP as programming language. The paper introduces the development background of the subject, to complete the development and function of the process. Focus on a description of the focus of system design, design ideas, difficult technology and solutions. Key words: Mental Health Consultation ; management; system; development 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 1 引言 1 1.1 研究现状 1 1.2 主要研究的目的及内容 2 1.3 研究方法及设计思路 3 1.3.1 研


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